it works both ways actually. no one is any one thing. just me, i don't buy the whole angels and deamons bit. even for invisible things we know nothing about. disappointments come from expectations. expectations about people are the biggest mistake of all.
hey, i voted... i dont really have an opinion on what you typed but i just wanted to let you know that i voted.
inside every scumbag is an angel too. that doesn't mean people who do harm shouldn't be denied the opportunity to repeat it. but other then that, there's just no such thing as not being some of both. people who use logic realize that screwing up the world they have to live in, is screwing up the world they have to live in. that it is therefor not mere altruism to avoid doing so.
Suppose someone murders kids and shit. You cant say they're an "angel" too. But it can be said the other way round, yes!?
Tbh, the question seems a bit redundant to me, its like saying "someone who is one kind of absolute, has another kind of absolute inside them" Why not just say "there are no absolutes?"
Because the question aims to focus on the extremes AND everything in between. For people to realise an "angel" can also be/actually IS a demon is rather unsettling. Shocking even. But how often is that the harsh, unpalletable truth?
to the contrary, it is perfectly possible for them to have some good intentions. there simply are no angels nor demons in an absolute sense. they still need to be prevented from repeating their offense, but it absolutely does not mean they can't be human too in some context. the likelihood of their not being is infintisimally small. it is a claim people make to justify vengence and retaliation, to pretend otherwise. no one is all either way. no one. ever. again i'm not saying evil acts should be coddled or tollerated, but only that no one is limited to one sort of action. there is no such thing as a good or bad PERSON. but there are things that people do, that cannot simply be forgiven by the community at large. criminals are not punished for being bad persons. they are punished for committing crimes. there is no force more harmful nor destructive in all of existence, then the filth of aggressiveness itself. tyranny is always its dominance and its dominance is always tyranny. regardless of belief, ideology, or anything else.