Insecure Penis / Dick / Cock size comes up the same as Small Tit / Breast / Boob Size

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by VikingMac, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. VikingMac

    VikingMac Members

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    YES TIT SIZE DOES MATTER! At the end of the day we're all primal and our biology will win the battle. We seek the best parrnter we can get. Many women are open enough to say dick size matters and some of us dudes are open enough to say that Boob size DOES MATTER! Let me make my case below

    I've figured out that Chics wit small tits constantly ask these questions (or try to make themselves feel better about smaller breasts) as a SHIT TEST to see who the quality - high status alpha males are and who the beta males are. I've actually found that they secretly like (and tend to date) guys who want and like bigger tits on their woman, because in her mind, that makes him look like he is higher quality alpha male (and when you think about it, it's true, he is) who can get a better quality female. The beta dudes don't really mind (or claim not to mind) if she has small tits, that's why the compliments have no effect on the female wit small breasts. Just something I've noticed in the past (I've been with tons of women, of all types, which is how I recognized this), I had many tell me they were insecure about their tits and even had this one chic who was pretty sexy in all other ways (28 years old, redhead, 5'2 and 105 lbs), but had small A cup tits tell me that she was so insecure about her tits and knew I could get a higher quality female with bigger breasts. She went on to tell me that being degraded by a higher status male like me, based on how small her tits were, actually turned her on. And she was right in all ways, she and I lasted maybe a month before I found a hotter woman with C cup tits. The redhead still let's me fuck her to this day, though she just recently moved to Portland (I'm in San Francisco).

    These women with small breasts know they can get a bunch of beta dudes to compliment them when they post pictures on here, but no matter how many compliments they get, they'll ALWAYS feel insecure and inferior to chics wit bigger tits, and I hate to be an asshole (okay, maybe not, because my asshole ways do get me laid a lot haha), but it's true, guys will always want bigger than a B cup. I'm Tall, hot, successful, big cock and can get pretty much any woman I want, which I usually choose at least a C cup.

    It's a 'status' thing, even women want a dude who has some status, some muscles and has a bigger than average cck (women who say sze doesn't matter are lying and we ALL know it. Get them DRUNK and ask that question, completely different answers! haha). The average or below average females say it doesn't matter, but it's only because they feel insecure about keeping a guy with a bigger cck, knowing he'll have more options than her. It's the same with dudes and tits. The average or below average beta dudes may not mind as much, but higher status alpha males will choose women with bigger breasts. Just the way it is.

    I've even noticed that I'm subconsciously more of a rough in the sack wit women who have smaller tits. Ironically, they seem to love that shit though (like a degradation fetish or something). They know subconsciously that I can get a higher status female with bigger breasts, so they try harder to please in the sack and do more of what I want. One plus I'll give here though, it does seem smaller breasted chics have tighter pussies.

    But aside from that, I think most guys if given the choice would definitely choose a woman wit bigger breasts. He may tell you that it doesn't matter, but he's secretly checkin out the chic at the next table wit big knockers or watching porn wit big breasted women. It's just like if most women were given the choice, they'd choose a dude wit a bigger cock. They may tell their boyfriend or husband size doesn't matter, while secretly having a fantasy of a guy wit a bigger package. I also know this one first hand. I've met so many of those women who say that size doesn't matter, and then they try a pornstar sized one like mine and they come back a few weeks or months later saying smaller guys just don't get them off anymore. SIZE DOES MATTER! And for those women who say it doesn't, I'm here in California to offer you the challenge. I KNOW I can change your mind. ;)
  2. Bryce

    Bryce A nut busting poster is a happy poster!

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    I think it’s more fair to say that dick/boob size matters for SOME, and doesn’t matter for others. Personally, I don’t care about either. I mean, as long as it’s not to one of the extreme (extremely small/large). Anything in the range of normalcy, I’m good with and don’t have a strong preference for. I’m more attracted to facial features and body shape. I’m also attracted to personality (even if the person isn’t the best looking). But I assume I’m in the minority on this.
  3. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Your thesis is flawed.

    You claim that there is a biologic imperative for finding large breasts more attractive than small. That is not the case, what is or isn't attractive is cultural and is different in different cultures. Even limiting oneself to European cultures, one sees that at some times, large breasts were desirable and clothing emphasized that, but at other times small breasts were seen as more attractive and clothing sought to flatten larger breasts to increase beauty.

    Similarly, the breast has not always been the physical attribute that was evaluated first in determining whether a woman was "attractive". Again, looking at fashion, hip size or relative size of hips and waist was sometimes the primary physical sign of "attractiveness".
  4. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    As I have also said on another H forum. Look at all the European statues of the naked men. In the early centuries women wanted men with large scotums. It was thought the bigger the testicles and sack, the more virile the man to procreate. Big breast for babies. Fast forward to now. Women want the best of both worlds, a man with a bigger cock to shoot cum deeper. Men use the breast as sex toys. Women want to be sexy and looked at by men and men love to look at women. Nothing new here.
  5. Bryce

    Bryce A nut busting poster is a happy poster!

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    Back in the day, a smaller penis was considered more aesthetic, and a larger penis was grotesque. Also cultures have alternatively found uncircumcised penises to be more aesthetic than circumcised (and vice versa). At the end of the day, culture always establishes the social norms that drive preference.
  6. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    >>>>> Look at all the European statues of the naked men. In the early centuries women wanted men with large scrotums. It was thought the bigger the testicles and sack, the more virile the man to procreate.

    Maybe it was just a hot day when the guy posed for his scrotum on the statue. Or less likely, the Europeans are more growers than showers?

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