So in this post modern age there are no absolutes, just the context in which the information is based! WOW!
Classic dualistic logic, mathematics, and causal physics are based upon metaphysical premises that support treating authorities, power, and wealth as absolutes, but since the advent of quantum mechanics and Relativity academia has been increasingly confronted with the sad fact they have merely transformed the art of denial into an exact science in the name of objectivity, reason, and greater growth and progress. Along with the wealth accumulation in recent years, there has also been an increase in the amount of phony research conducted by academics with many merely making up whatever numbers they think will impress whoever is funding the research. Similarly, libraries across the country have progressively been transformed into local government institutions catering to industries by supplying meeting spaces and lecture halls and even becoming a substitute for homeless shelters and, to a great extent, where people go just to check out free movie DVDs they can watch because justifying the space they occupy has become more important than supporting higher learning. The idea that science and knowledge are absolutes that justify themselves or some sort of moral imperative is absurd in this modern day era of the military-industrial complex where 90% of research is now done by for-profit private industries and, to a great extent, academic and government institutions have been relegated to providing supporting roles. The librarians are correct in assuming if they don't change their practices and stop relying upon classic logic for everything it will quickly come back to haunt them. Their real problem is not that the alternative of taking a contextual approach is more difficult, but that they don't yet have the required systems logic to simplify the task for them without shooting themselves in the foot. As happens all too often, they have become victims of their own success in supporting money and the gun doing most the driving when it is obvious nobody is behind the wheel.