Influencing dreams with a tape recorder/mp3 on loop

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by TrumpCards, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. TrumpCards

    TrumpCards Visitor

    I’ve had this idea for a long time, and have always wanted to try it, but I feel it would be a real bitch to pull off effectively. As you should know by now, sounds you hear while you’re asleep can have drastic influences on your dreams. A good example of this is if you make water sounds while a person is asleep, there’s a chance they will lose control of their bladder (this is obviously more effective on women and young children). I’ve lived in fucked up communal living situations in the past, and have had fucked up roommates do this to give me terrible nightmares.

    My plan is to get a cheap tape recorder that has a loop function (do they even make those anymore?) or make an mp3 (though I’ve never done that before). Then, I have to find a girl with an attractive voice to read a script for me, then just play it while I’m asleep and see if I get a sex dream. Though I’m very poor and know very few women. Of the women I know, there’s no chance in hell they will do this for me; so I guess I have to get a girlfriend or a pro to do it for me (or maybe a mentally deficient homeless woman that still has a pretty voice). Any advice?
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i seriously doubt that they still make tape recorders that have any functions. but i'm quite sure you can get a device that will loop a recording.

    i don't really expect this to work, but it's worth a try. i have had several dreams that were heavily influenced by real life sounds that i'm sleeping through, so i can attest to that part of what you're saying.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I influence my dreams with salami sandwich right before bed. 10mg visteral sleep aid makes some wild dreams. Ive a few dreams repeat.

    there are hypno sex videos out there. however I dont think they are truly hypnotic. just flashy sex with music and instructional talk. I do dream of some sex after watching some porn before sleeping tho.
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Forget about mumbling in your ear while you sleep,
    Find the sounds for the metaphors you wish to dwell upon,
    Then record vague versions of them, nothing too explicit.
    Your subconscious mind has the mentality of a toddler,
    You have to tease a fish to get it to bite the line.
  5. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    Maybe this will help:
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Mmmmm Ham..
  7. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

  8. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    Hey, so there's this certain part of a man's body that is known to change during deep REM sleep. Sensors could be attached to this man part to detect when it gets larger. They could trigger a recording of a woman's voice or even mechanical devices to simulate certain actions happening to the man's part...
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    you can probably do that with a lot of things, but if you do, the result is "for entertainment purposes only".

    what i prefur anyway, is something that will mask out, the kinds of ambient sounds that would influence my dreams in ways i would prefer for them to not be.
    i do like a random but not repeating selection of bamboo flute music and that sort of thing.

    if the question is, do external sounds and even smells influence dreams, then yes, at least mine, and i'm sure many if not most people.
    though almost always in perhaps, not quite the way you might assume to link the details.
  10. Just get a girlfriend and pay her to talk dirty to you while you sleep so you can have sex dreams.
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I think certain noises may have an impact on sleep but I grew up listening to music while I slept as a teen and I don't think it played much a part in my dreams.

    Now days I have an app on my phone called sleep machine and it has a variety of noised from rain to thunder to crickets and on and on. I choose the native American flute, I've never dreamed I was an Indian or anything. :p

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