We jus got a very expensive induction stove. It cooks with EM waves like a microwave, so, unlike a traditional electric coil stove, the element, itself, does not get hot. The magnetism just induces energy directly into the pot, so only the pot itself gets hot. Its kinda cool. It heats things very very quickly and it is easier to avoid burning things than on a standard electric stovetop (although not as good as gas -- gas is the best), but it makes a whirring sound like a microwave and emits an annoying high pitch sound that sometimes gives me a headache. And it has a touchscreen. I fucking loathe touchscreens I don't want one on my stove. Some people thing the EM waves it emits might be abd for you (but they probably aren't. It's inconclusive). Any thoughts? Anybody have one of these? What is your experience?
I prefer gas, besides don’t you have to buy all new pots and pans because you can only cook using magnetic vessels hotwater
yeah obviously gas is best but I'm talking standard electric vs. induction as we don't have a gas outlet. If we did of course we would go with gas. I think the induction stoves actually can't use copper pots. They have to be stainless steel and relatively magnetic. I'm more pissed off about the sound the stove makes and the potential health risks. I am probably just being paranoid, but I don't really like microwaved food either so...
A friend of mine swears by hers and she uses it more than her cook top or oven. I will say she made a roast chicken in it and it was really moist and delicious. Probably something you have to become use to using to feel comfortable with. She would not give hers up.
They just need to be made of a ferromagnetic material. Iron or stainless will work. Non-ferros materials like aluminum and copper allow the magnetic field to penetrate too much, though there are 'all metal' high freq induction stoves.