Indra`s net: "Imagine a multidimensional spider's web in the early morning covered with dew drops. And every dew drop contains the reflection of all the other dew drops. And, in each reflected dew drop, the reflections of all the other dew drops in that reflection. And so ad infinitum. That is the Buddhist conception of the universe in an image." –Alan Watts Is this a fractal universe? Fractal (definitions): "a curve or geometrical figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole." "A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry." The Buddhist and Hindu universe is basically a fractal universe? any thoughts? (I think I just found my religion) . I see the world in fractals. repeating patters everywhere. the oxygen molecules in the air, the thoughts in my head, the evolution of the living organisms, time.. .everything is a fractal. Anyone else can see this?
i don't know if the universe can be classified as a fractal. there probably isn't enough data to make that call. it isn't hard to see fractals all around us though. many things in this world are fractals. galaxies and super-clusters may count among those things. fractals aren't enough to make me prescribe to a religion though.
Today I was walking through a parking lot. A couple with a kid was walking towards me on the right, and on the left slightly behind them were another couple with a kid ...and behind them 30 meters was another 3 people group walking towards me.... after they passed.. came two people (distortion in the pattern) and after this came an another three person group and then the geometric formation ended. Wasn't this a fractal? Geometric patterns that are repeating. Zoom into the world and what do you see?Electrons are the same pattern repeating over and over again... and beyond that? Tiny vibrating strings signaling yes or no. Zoom out and what do you see? Evolution and movement, people growing out of each other, genetic sequences cloning themselves, a replicating code of existence. Zoom even more out and you'll see stars and planets and galaxies... and further that.. What do we have? The duality of existence and unxeistance. but didn't this duality appear before? Yes, it did. And so.. the fractal folds back into itself. I see the world like that.
i don't think sets of 3 people walking towards you qualifies as a fractal. it doesn't geometrically repeat if you zoom in or out. but if i'm being strict about the definition...i guess i can't be sure that tree-growth patters, or the patterns on a leaf are fractals either - i can't exactly zoom in or out to make sure. electrons aren't simply the same thing repeating over and over. they are quite complex in the energy states they can occupy...they can have different "spin" states, and we can only say that they exist as a probability in a certain state. maybe you were talking about how an atom, with electrons orbiting a central nucleus, kinda resembles a solar system? i feel what you're saying, but we have different ways of looking at it. my heavy science background can't help but point out your tiny misconceptions - no offense, and i know that sounds very cocky. just trying to expand your knowledge, not change your mind. and i'm sure you could teach me a few things too
(I am trippin on cid..comedown) dude i have no idea what Im talking about. truth is noone knows..Im thinking in fr<ctals.. If you got any info .. the theory that is basically : existence is a fractal that generated itself and repeats itself ..forever. slight distortions cause a change of pattern and so the fractal distorts into infinite different forms. I mean.... you guys see this unfold (on acid trips) ?? The cause of the existence of the fractal could be the old duality story: "one cannot be without the other, existence cannot be without nonexistence. so by default something has to exist because if it didn't then nothing would exist but nothing can only exist if there is something.. etc makes sense? REALITY=MIND=GOD? duude you got something feel free to share!!!! are tripping:sunny: i find a lot of things in nature are fractals. i wrote about this in a particular LSD trip report on here. i remember picking up a snow-covered leaf. the leaf was a fractal the snowflakes on top of the leaf were all fractals there was a small section of decay on the leaf --- in a fractal pattern! then i breathed on the snow to watch it melt. it was pretty fucking cool that's about all i have to share for now i'm off to go read that book, man (First and Last Men)