Increase cum amount

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by Racer51, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. Racer51

    Racer51 Members

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    How do I increase the amount of cum I shoot. I love seein big cum shots in porn and I wanna see big loads in my wifes loose pussy so I can eat her after.
    Micheal9 likes this.
  2. Micheal9

    Micheal9 Members

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    I would love to do the same to my wife. But her pussy doesn’t seem loose to me.
    Racer51 likes this.
  3. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    First, There are no magic pills for that, so don’t waste your money.
    Water hydrate and plenty of it daily.
    p.marg, tommyhot, cass_jenner and 6 others like this.
  4. Scharff

    Scharff Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I have to agree with the hydration post. There are supposedly things to take that make your cum increase but I'm not sure it really helps. Age decreases load volume so it can kind of be a losing battle. On the other hand, I used to shoot so much that I could rarely finish in a mouth without her coming off to swallow while I wasn't filling her up. Now, it's rare that she has to worry about it. Yes, I miss shooting everywhere and I still get a few good ropes on or in her somewhere but that's life.
    cass_jenner, Racer51 and 6Sailor9 like this.
  5. Vinocpl69

    Vinocpl69 Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    Definitely stay hydrated with water and I drink pineapple juice and eat raw celery for taste I remember reading about Peter North the porn star doing it and I’ll be damned if it didn’t work. Several women told me I had great tasting cum. The main thing is don’t jerk off for a good 5-7 days before sex if you have plans. If you just can’t resist I found edging is great for producing big loads. You might give yourself blue balls but when you produce a load but don’t cum I get bigger loads when I do eventually cum and it’s amazing. Plus it produces a lot of pre cum my Mrs likes to taste. Last I started taking L-Citrulline and L-Arginine don’t waste your money on anything that doesn’t contain one or both of those. They’re supposed to help produce nitric acid and increase blood flow but I use it for bigger loads because it’s worked for us and my wife likes big loads.
    L-Citrulline has been great and when I use it with hydration I produce a lot of cum, and get long ropes and when I take L-Arginine I get thicker sticky loads the chunky kind which is great for when the Mrs wants me to cum on her face or walk around in public with a load in her without it leaking out as much. That’s been my experience I don’t know if anyone else has tried those. I’d show examples but I don’t know if your allowed in these forums
    Suburbanray and Ninja1173 like this.
  6. grower88

    grower88 Members

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    hydration is key
    cass_jenner and Josephinelcajon like this.
  7. Windman

    Windman Members

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    I have to agree, hydration and also abstaining for several days. I can produce quite a mouthful with that technique. Age hasn’t seemed to make a lot of difference, at 64 I haven’t noticed a loss in volume.
  8. Ninja1173

    Ninja1173 Members

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    I agree with a lot of the previous posts, Vinocpl69 especially!
    I've been a supplement lab rat for over 30 years in my fitness/nutrition quest so I have wasted ridiculous amounts of money on snake oil.

    Here's my contribution to some considerations;
    -Genetics - we are what we are - our bodies do what they do so we all have natural limitations
    -Overall health - especially hormone balance - find a doc who gives an actual shit about your total health - regular blood tests to optimize your endocrine system.
    -No smoking
    -Fitness - reduce your bodyfat %

    -Did anyone mention hydration?
    -Alcohol is adverse so consider your timing, I don't drink all day when I want to make a big money shot.
    -Celery SEEMS to contribute but I've never tried it without everything else so I can't be certain.
    -Mango and/or pineapple SEEM to help with flavor but too many other variables to be certain.

    Once you have the above dialed in, you can start spending money on Supplements:
    -6 GRAMS (2 G x 3x daily) L-Citrulline (substrate of Arginine - don't waste money on both - Citrulline is best) - best on EMPTY stomach
    Red Beet Root Powder is likely more effective than an Arginine or Citrulline supplement - but may not be as convenient or desirable.
    -50 mg Zinc - empty stomach before bed
    -350 Mgs Magnesium GLYCINATE (not the other cheap versions unless you want a laxative and less money) - empty stomach before bed
    -400 - 800 mg Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Long Jack) daily (I take 600) - also seems to have an aphrodisiac effect

    Do your own due diligence, an excellent resource to research supplement information and effectiveness that is NOT profit or market driven is here: Examine: nutrition and supplement information you can trust

    Happy Shooting!
    Vinocpl69 likes this.
  9. Vinocpl69

    Vinocpl69 Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    I forgot about beet root I use that as well in addition to the L-Citrulline with great results and agree with Ninja1173 do your research and have fun tracking your results
    Ninja1173 likes this.
  10. Ninja1173

    Ninja1173 Members

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    I also forgot to clarify - this Arginine/Citrulline/Beet Root is all about nitrogen in the bloodstream - which improves erection hardness - which benefits 'the shooting'.

    The addition of the sweet fruits is to help your fluid taste as un-offensive as possible - out of respect for your partner!
    Vinocpl69 and Timsk like this.
  11. Vinocpl69

    Vinocpl69 Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    That’s also why hydration is so important as well…the better your hydration the better your going to taste. Plus it’s really fun when your partner wants to be a taste tester
    Ninja1173 and 6Sailor9 like this.
  12. cass_jenner

    cass_jenner Member

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    Recommended hydration levels are 2 litres a day. Now bear in mind you cannnot include cafeinated or alcoholic drinks in there. So its 2 litres of water, or herbal tea. We have been trying to maintain a regime of this for a few months now. I reckon that it has increased the amount that I ejaculate. Not doubled or anything crazy - just a bit more. Which is great as we love the stuff - all over myself or her.
    Other benefits include - as an older fella - not having to get up so much as night tto pee. Which is odd but true. Also better for joint and flexibility.
    And general health.
    Ninja1173 likes this.
  13. Micheal9

    Micheal9 Members

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    We all want bigger loads right? I know one of the key factors is plenty of water.

    Has anyone tried or have had any success with volume enhancers? I’ve seen two online that stood out to me.

    Semapro - Extreme Semen Volumizer and POPSTAR -Semen Volume supplements.

  14. topper

    topper Member

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    You could always ask a friend to help.:D
    Racer51 likes this.
  15. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    There are no magic pills to increase volume.
    Age is a volume killer.
    Water, Water and more water.
  16. Micheal9

    Micheal9 Members

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    Damn age
  17. Andy Schumer

    Andy Schumer Visitor

    Water, water and more water = pee, pee and more pee as well
  18. Stevie_35

    Stevie_35 Members

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    I have heard that taking zinc supplements may increase the volume. My husband doesn't have that problem as yet but I'm sure he will later in life, we'll deal with when that time comes.
    Micheal9 likes this.
  19. tommyhot

    tommyhot Member

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    Zinc doesn't do squat. Ask me how I know.
  20. p.marg

    p.marg Anarcho-syndicalist pirate!

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    hydration is the secret key.
    6Sailor9 likes this.

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