While waiting to pay at my Pennsylvania state-controlled liquor store (WOW-red zinfandel!!!), an employee chose to stand right up close and stare and my BF-sandaled feet (trying to decide if they were real sandals or not) and, deciding the latter, shot off, "Do you know you're supposed to wear shoes in here? Do you know we can refuse you service if you are not wearing shoes? There's glass on the floor." I returned fire (verbally) "Show me something in writing." Wounded, ideologically, where she lived, she fell back and wandered away, stammering "He wants to see it in writing....see it in writing...." I cooled my lips, gathered my likker, and moved out.
Life's too short, son, t'worry about the "what ifs". Had she shown me a writ, I would duly comply, for the law is the law. All I want is the proof.
What if you would have stepped in some glass and bleed all over the place? Would you still cared for a piece of paper that would make their request more reasonable to you?
Well sir, I reckon that woulda been my own damn fault for being so stupid. But it were a clean place and nary a glitter o' glass. Ya pays yer money, and ya takes yer chances. Will that satisfy ya, Pilgrim?
I was wondering of course because that employee said there was glass on the floor. As long as it's not my store I am satisfied either way
If I'd been the employee, I'd have said: "Show me something in writing that says I have to show you something in writing," thus setting in train a highly exhilarating locked-groove type stand-off.
That's ALWAYS a plumb lie. She was meanin' that there COULD be glass on the foor and did I step barefooty on it, there'd be a BLOOD GUSHER. Well, Hell, like I said... Pony up to the bar, hombre, and have yourself a drink! Barkeep!...........
You were wearing sandals, right? So what if there were glass? Unless I mistook what you wrote.. In any event I would have reacted less pleasantly, asked that person if they didn't have something better to do than harass the customers over trivial bullshit, and let them know that I would now and forever take my business elsewhere.
Hoppin' grasshoppers! No, I was sportin' them barefoot sandals---tops and no bottoms, so yeah I could been cut up real bad HAD THERE BEEN GLASS SHARDS, but there weren't none such. Trivial bullshit percisely!
Bottomless shoes - they function not unlike fabric-free, frame-only umbrellas, but for your leg-ends.
Correct. However, as I, the (potentially) injured party, would be the one to sue, I would have negated that option by entering the establishment bare-soled. Thus, having entered at my own risk, I thereby forfeited the option to sue. In addition, the unlittered floor felt MOTHERFUCKING GREAT! (Apologies to mothers and fuckers)
Or just stick on a pair of old sneakers or something for when you go in. Compromise can be a noble thing, and it really is silly to risk getting cut on some unseen glass in an environment (liquor store) where there's going to be a greater abundance of the stuff than in most other places. Glass lacerations wouldn't be the only risk. A falling wine box would be no joke for the unshod foot, either.
Compromise IS noble---it is downright civilizing! And so, sometimes I compromise THEIR way, and sometimes they compromise MY way.
Indeed, most I have visited are---it happens that the best one nearest home happens to have a few "nervous" employees, and I do wear shoes in there now and again. And now and again, just like Bartleby (NOT AS IN & JAYMES), "I prefer not to." Some quite clear-headed citizen elsewhere mentioned "compromise...."
Personally I wouldn't compromise, I think its a sign of defeat, and essentially giving in to ignorance. From your threads I have yet to see anything suggesting you were at 'risk' by going barefoot. Legality is not an issue, you were in no danger....sounds like that nasty spectre of employer liability and fear again!