inappropriate actions to get people's reactions

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by toon198122, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. toon198122

    toon198122 Member

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    how many of you have done something totally inappropriate to see someones reaction or get rid of them on their annoying you and tell us what it was you did or said

    mine was this random guy just started talking to me while i was having dinner with my girlfriend he was starting to get on my nerves really bad so I started scratching my inappropriate area furiously and I said out loud that the Bugs were getting on my nerves the guys mouth dropped open and he left the restaurant my girlfriend started laughing so hard that she almost peed herself I just want to know if anybody else does this
  2. dutchblood87

    dutchblood87 Member

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    I like going thru drive thrus and when i order $50 WORTH OF FOOD, knowing theyre gonna be stressed, then pull up to the window and tell them i ordered (whatever the guy behind me ordered) and it must be from the double drive thrus. then i just not py after 5 mins of bickering. i just leave
  3. Jimmy P

    Jimmy P bastion of awesomeness

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    That is an incredibly assholish thing to do

    Congratulations, you're a piece of shit
  4. dutchblood87

    dutchblood87 Member

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    Hmm. most places just let the employees eat the shit. im keeping us min. wage folk fed. ill be a pos for keeping the poors belly full
  5. Kinky Ramona

    Kinky Ramona Back by popular demand!

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    Even though I'm daring feeding the troll, just wanted to say most places the employees don't get that wasted food. It goes right in the trash. They won't let employees have waste because doing so "encourages employees to make more mistakes." It's a huge load of bullshit.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I don't regard that as inappropriate in this case. It's all in the details. He was bothering you and you let him know bluntly. I like it :2thumbsup: I only get inappropriate that way when I feel people are asking for it.
  7. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I was in the passenger seat of a freinds car when just for a laugh I said "mind the easter bunny!".

    It actually wasnt such a great idea, as it made him swerve and brake. Luckily there were no other cars behind or coming the other way.

    Afterwards we agreed is was quite funny.
  8. prissbaby

    prissbaby creepy

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    I've done normal shit like pretended to be on the phone just so I didn't have to talk to someone...

    One time I was drunk and my boyfriend kept ignoring me (he was playing some stupid game on his phone that literally he wasn't looking up from at all).. so I took a huge sip of whatever and it sort of went down the wrong pipe.. so I started coughing a little, obviously... then I exaggerated and pretended like I was really choking just to get my boyfriend to pay attention to me. Which is soooooooo ridiculous, but I was really drunk at the time lol.

    The next day my little sister and I were smoking a bowl - I got really high and told her the story and she laughed at me for a really long time, and then called me a crazy bitch. Which I am hahaha.

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