The old posts have been imported back into the database. In the process things may be a bit messed up. For instance there were a few recent member accounts that conflicted with the old database. That required the deletion of those accounts, which will have to be restarted. It's possible some things are not right. Everyone please check your posts and make sure everything looks right. If not, send me a PM with details. Note: Old PMs have not been imported yet. If things look right for ppl, we can try importing the latest posts & PMs. If not we can go back to the situation before the import of the old data. The accounts that were removed are: Ddharma stellar1dan sky2014 jjgiles icee-man lampredi24 okthen analbead dr.boing koi27 If any of these ppl have older accounts, they may now be able to access them. If not PM me. Thanks for your patience.
Besides a few issues with data that was posted during the transition, we seem to have done fairly well with the import of the old posts. I'm going to be out for the rest of the day, so I'll get to any remaining issues tomorrow. Enjoy the site!
looks great to me, and chat works great on iOS thanks skip .. ive never ran a website before but i know computers and sometimes you do everything the way you know it should be done and everything is supposed to work but this time something gets broken, cuz sometimes there's a couple of "gotchas" that you didn't expect coming keeping things the least convoluted as possible, temporary hacks can fix things temporarily .. of course sometimes the puzzle pieces just arent quite the right shape to fit nicely together and then there's nothing else you can do but get a little crafty edit: having trouble editing post, it won't submit the new form until you click "use full editor", then "submit modified post"
skip.....making you aware of a lack any way to add to my old albums or upload pictures....they aren't formatted correctly either...thanks
Thanks for letting me know. This permission should be fixed now for everyone! I was wondering why ppl stopped posting in the galleries... duh!
Now my albums are gone and my images are gone under my gallery but it seems that some of them are on the main page.........I am confused.
yup! But I swear I did not break it!! Edit When I click on the image on the main page of one of my photos, this is what I get. Sorry, but that does not appear to be a valid image. If you arrived at this screen by following a link on this site, please notify a system administrator Need Help? Our help documentation Contact the community administrator
the galleries have been gone for me I can only see galleries when I sign out and I cannot upload pictures to a album or create a album I also cannot vote on threads or see the active users list of who is online
Permissions have now been reset for members and mods. I had mentioned this might need doing again after the old posts came in. Please report any issues with them via PM. Thanks for being so patient. It's coming together now.
Skip------I want to apologize for fretting so much about the changes. Now if I can just shut myself up and have some patience---I'm sure all will be well.------------Joel Also---glad the edit button is staying. Nice to be able to change stuff whenever.
What happened to our sig pictures or are you still working on that? I dunno how to upload mine, can someone please explain? THANKS! it looks like there is no upload option...youll have to link it into there