I'm calling it. The pigs getting impeached. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/top-intelligence-official-told-associates-trump-asked-him-if-he-could-intervene-with-comey-to-get-fbi-to-back-off-flynn/2017/06/06/cc879f14-4ace-11e7-9669-250d0b15f83b_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_usrussia-810pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory I just scored a 4 pack of Trump Vodka. It going to be an interesting year.
Even if the wall was built out of solar panels to generate the electricity to pay for itself? https://www.google.com/amp/thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/336623-trump-pitched-solar-powered-border-wall-so-it-pays-for-itself%3Famp
I hope you don't seriously believe that. You like him seem to have no understanding of the costs of upkeep on solar panels. Just because it's the sun does not mean it's free. The "wall" is just not feasible it's just something for Republicans to masturbate to. What does that have to do with the first link? Solar power is not going to stop what will happen to him. But that should make you happy won't it prove he was too hardcore for the system? Obviously that system had to clean him out.
Plus the solar panels would have to be on the south facing side. Solar isn't the best alt energy source anyway
You never mentioned that it'd be an environmentally friendly wall. I'm no longer concerned that the president commited treason. Save the whales everyone!
He's still making policy descions based on Russian propoganda. http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/06/politics/russian-hackers-planted-fake-news-qatar-crisis/index.html
So we have two possibilities: Trump is such a good friend that he'd obstruct justice for Flynn. Or the Flynn investigation was going to lead down a much darker path. So Trump obstructed justice. So it's impeachment town either way. If it's the latter it's likely treason. Or possibly just the pee tape. Now,based on what I know about Trump, he's too narsassistic to have friends.
The wall is just as feasible as the barrier between India and Pakistan. Walls do work and have for centuries. As an American I only want the same kind of border protection that the Mexican government provides for its people on their southern border.
I really dont think it will happen with this Congress. It will just be swept under the rug like the rest of Trump's idiocy
Yes, I remember who Ken Starr is and the whole bullshit of our previous impeachment adventure. No thanks. the term: Move On was born at that time.
they will just drag it on (they being the obstructionist democratic party) but they wont get anywhere at least it gives them something to do....
Exactly, the press and too many politicians keep spouting on and on about impeachment as if it actually accomplishes something. It doesn't. Except for making lawyers wealthier on taxpayer dollars not a thing actually changes. Look at the collossal waste of time/money impeaching Clinton was, and he was actually guilty. In this case, so early in the game, the whole idea of impeachment is a distraction. I suggest we all start looking at what is being concealed by this movement.
After hearing their response to Comey and Sessions, I suspect you're right. We're far far more partisan then we were in the Nixon era. Trump Vodka came in tonight. When the impeachment comes, Moscow Mules for all! I like the Orange Vodka. ?