impeach bush

Discussion in 'Protest' started by toy wars, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. toy wars

    toy wars Member

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  2. Charise

    Charise Naked to the Cosmos

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    Look-the House of Representatives has to vote to impeach Bush, which they're not about to do, regardless of how many people sign a petition. The House is controlled by Republicans, and even if it wasn't, he's still not gonna get impeached. He should be impeached, but he's not gonna be. You're just wasting your time. Bush is gonna get his real impeachment at the Last Judgement. He's gonna be in a lotta hot water then.
  3. steffan

    steffan puffin

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    Be serious, do you have any idea what that would do the stock market world wide?, he has lost so much respect from his pears he cant hardly take a dump without someone trieing to find out what hes up to.and without support from the congress and members of the senete his powers are very limited, we are just gonna have to wait him out.
    if a petition comes around its a good idea to sign it, but only once please because when people try and cheat those it devalues them. It wont get him fired, but it will send a clear message to the hill, and send alot of sheep down the right trail
  4. Leopold Plumtree

    Leopold Plumtree Member

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    If it isn't Bush, it'll just be some other hoser. Can't say my day-to-day living is much affected by which dipshit is in office.
  5. MattInVegas

    MattInVegas John Denver Mega-Fan

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    Before I sign, I want you guys that are PRO impeachment to think of ONE fact.

    The way it works is IF he IS in fact impeached, The Vice Pres takes over the Job. Who is worse? And wasting our dollars on a dipshit who'll be OUT OF OFFICE
    forever in two more years anyway?
    If ya want power, it's in YOUR vote! And mine. And his & hers...

    Take the time to either CALL or Email your representatives! Let 'em know what his constituants REALLY think!
  6. Dr Phibes

    Dr Phibes Banned

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    Yeah incase he's in there snorting some of the coke his dad imports into the country by the ton !
    look at it this way - he could be costing you more to keep him in office than it will cost to get him out

    That petition will match time and datewise to the logs on this server
    you sign the petition then someone somewhere could
    put the data here - with that data and match your real name to the forum
    name you use --- ideal for spam databases and government officials
    its not paranoia - just an observation
  7. steffan

    steffan puffin

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    considering the aftermath of a an impeachment, no thanks. but fuckin ay! they need to know just how pissed off we realy are
  8. dudenamedrob

    dudenamedrob peace lily

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    And what do you suggest if you do not trust any of them?
  9. Charise

    Charise Naked to the Cosmos

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    Yea, Dick Cheney is definitely worse, and more connected to the moneyed establishment than even Bush is. Impeachment would give Cheney, at this point, at least 6 more years to probably do more damage than even Bush has done. In European (and most other) democracies, you know, there's the party in power, and then there's the "opposition"-a party or coalition that opposes the party that is in power and seeks to succeed it, offering concrete proposals that counter what the party in power is doing. The real problem is that in this country we don't even HAVE an opposition-we have only have two parties, and the Democratic party can hardly be called an "opposition". Look at how many Democrats voted for the resolution to go to war in Iraq-the majority of them, if my memory serves me correctly. Most of them just followed Bush's flag-waving rhetoric like a bunch of damned sheep. What we need in this country is multiple poltical parties with diverse views to give us a real choice when we vote. Without that, it really comes down to us having little or no choice at the polls anyway.
  10. steffan

    steffan puffin

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    I've been thinking how nice it would be to have a nonpartisin party and a federal charity fund to sapport there campain, on the condition they take no money from anywhere else.
    I would also like to see a full list of contributers posted on every campain television comerciel. Or failing that prime time comerciels showing who is backing who. WHy cant newspapers and magizines do that anyway? isn't that something we would realy like to know
  11. Leopold Plumtree

    Leopold Plumtree Member

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    Do I need to suggest anything? The country runs despite politicians, same as always.
  12. R. August Croen

    R. August Croen Member

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    I'm beginning to think the greatest power we have is to ignore the bastards in government. Turn off the TV, let the newspapers and other authoritarian media go bankrupt, and tend our own gardens. All that certainly counts more than a phony-baloney vote between two non-choices.

    As satisfying as the idea of seeing Bush removed from office is, I have to agree with whoever it was that pointed out Cheney is next in line. Jeez, talk about out of the frying pan into the fire!

    I've about decided we don't need government at all... which was close to the Founding Fathers' plan to keep it as small as possible. But big government has been sold to the sheeple the same way they sell us their pharmaceuticals and their insurance policies: fear.

    Bottom line is, I have met the enemy, and he is us. People don't have to buy into it though, and I'm seeing small but compelling signs that a lot of folks are starting to wake up.
  13. MattInVegas

    MattInVegas John Denver Mega-Fan

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    America as you may know is based on a "Bi-Partisan" system.
    In plain English that means Republicans, and Democrats.
    I'm not too happy with either of them so far.
    All I can really do at this point, is change my own party
    and hope for the best. But! I vote!
  14. dudenamedrob

    dudenamedrob peace lily

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    First off I didn't ask for your suggestion. Secondly.....the country may "run" despite politicians but is that what has become acceptable in modern society, the lowest common denominator?
  15. Leopold Plumtree

    Leopold Plumtree Member

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    Replace "I" with "a person." Any person.

    My point is, my life isn't affected by which shithead is in office. These people don't have any kinda absolute power and don't control everything. Things move on just fine despite 'em.
  16. toy wars

    toy wars Member

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    hey guys hate to interupt, but on the impeach paper, it says it will try to impeach george W. Bush and try to get rid of everyone else.
  17. mushroomherb

    mushroomherb Member

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    you aint gonna get rapped in the first place i hope! id fight a little sooner than that. but i get your point.
  18. believe

    believe Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Dropping out of society is not the way to change it. If we completely ignore government then we'll have no idea what they're up to and we won't be able to properly defend ourselves. Now if every pissed off citizen in America dropped out of society on a massive scale...that I would be down with. For now I think we need to just keep on fighting.
  19. R. August Croen

    R. August Croen Member

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    Well... I won't argue with you. Mostly because my marriage shows every sign of breaking up, largely over this exact issue! She's dropping out; I haven't... yet. I do think she's got a point, but working 50 hour weeks and then being told I'm a "sellout" and a "whore" in a "man's world job" while she goes off and parties with her friends and (so I've been told) is in danger of losing her job as a dog groomer because she isn't showing up is not my idea of a good time.
  20. believe

    believe Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I understand what you're saying. Dropping out would be so much easier than having to be aware of how fucked up everything is and how useless it seems at times to resist it. I commend you for staying here, with the rest of us, suffering as we are. I'm sorry about your wife and your marriage and I'm even more sorry that she's dropped out- another one bites the dust. You have great things to say and I appreciate you challenging me, forcing me to take my thinking to another level- that's why I came here. I hope you decide to stay.

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