
Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Fueled by Coffee, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Can you imagine being so ignorant that you'd ignore a person's gender, ethnicity, race, or sexual preference and just treat them the same as everyone else?
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  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I will be friends with anyone who has a good heart...all of the other variables are secondary.
    In real life, you can pretty much see who people are and if you talk to them face to face, you get a feel for who they really are.
    online, it is not that easy.
    I do not trust anyone who is not even open enough to state their gender here.......What are you hiding...? Who are you trying to fool? i am pretty damn open about who I am here, and if other people want to play games, hide behind different user names and masquerade to troll or do whatever they do, , I get annoyed and do not feel like sharing who i am anymore with them, so it closes me down....
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  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Apparently if you acknowledge such things, you're a racist disgusting person who must DIE because we all the same remember.



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  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I'm not sure what you mean, you can treat everyone with kindness while still recognizing who they are. We dont have to pretend everyone is the same but should still treat everyone the same

    Unless they're rude to me first, then the gloves come off
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  5. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    What I mean, is that there are people out there who base their whole identity around their race, sexual orientation, gender, and/or ethnicity that they expect to be treated better or differently than others. For example, I have 2 coworkers in my workplace who get pissy with me when I refer to them or our clientele as him or her. Because they claim to be gender fluid, they want to be identified as them and they (so much so that they want to change the rules of the language we use). Why is it so bigoted to ignore all this superficial stuff about others and treat everyone the same?
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Oh okay, i see

    Yeah. I'm liberal but that's just too much even for me. Some people do take it all a little too seriously.
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    yup. if i only ever met them on line, there's no way i'd believe i actually knew any of those things about them, anyway.
    and unless i was going to bed with them, why in the hell would any of those things matter?

    do unto others as they would have you do unto them (if you have the slightest clue as to what that might be)
    makes no sense to assume you know any of those things.

    or in any non-intimate context, that they have anything to do with anything.
    kind of missing the point of the question,
    beyond the retardedly biased manor in which it is asked.
  8. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    It's not bigoted, obviously. But it's kind of rude to ignore what someone wants to be called. It's like if you told me your name was Steve but I insisted on calling you Paul. I have a transgendered coworker who introduces herself by her "new" name, but her boss keeps calling her by her original name, and she doesn't correct it anymore, but she looks so hurt every time.

    But, if I understand your post, this person is asking everyone at work to refer to everyone by they/them pronouns? That's kind of weird and I would probably refuse to do so and explain why.
  9. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    One of the coworkers of mine is a biological female who has a masculine haircut and goes by the name Rick. She (ooops I mean they) don't like it when I address anyone as gender specific pronouns like she. When Rick corrected me when referring to a client as he, they got irked and told me that we don't know what gender they identify as unless we ask specifically. I learned the hard way when I referred to Rick as a she the first time I worked with them. BTW this person is not a trans-man either, despite the name and the haircut; she (they) prides themself on being gender ambiguous.

    I mean really, it's tough enough to use they/them singularly, much less transform the whole way we use the English language to accommodate for these language policing gender activists.
  10. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    Wasn't the OP the one with the title something something "genderfluid"?? lol...ohhh, ok, maybe now I see why.

    ahhh! ok, guys I'm trippin' (no, not on any substances) but because I'm "genderless". If anyone has a problem, you can all go to hell!! j/k j/k
    I just...I think it's fair to all be treated the same...i mean, with respect. ya know? I'm not hiding, I'd tell if it mattered. At this point, i don't think it does. do you?
  11. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    *"genderless" though not genderfluid.
    Yes, I agree how frustrating it is...that's kinda why a genderless pronoun does make it easier.
  12. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    You mean you're not an intersectional feminist?
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  13. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    Imagine you have no anus, it's easy if you try.
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  14. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  15. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    You're all a bunch of mind controlled zombies.
  16. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    Haha considering I had to look up what is intersectionality...well,...I mean...I think we can consider these things, just not be dependant or base our entire perceptions of someone soley on stereotypes. But damn! This is too much thinking! (Probably why in Mind Trips) Why do people have to overanalyze everything?!!! Just be nice! Plain and simple! And stop assuming everyone is trying to be a jerk to you! I don't deny that jerks (insert more appropriately rude descriptions if you like) are out there, but most folks are just trying to be THEMselves in a world of everybody thinking THEY'RE right!

    Too much thinking! Imagine thinking about things less...ahhh! Caught ya thinking! ;)
  17. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    bitch, i think it's weird that anyone listens to carrie underwood.
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  18. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    I am rather baffled here as there are some reasonable requests and some that are not so much so.
  19. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    Interesting, a bill has passed here called bill 16 which basically allows people to define their own gender . Peopl who refuse or to not adhere to using they them etc are called racist here. People have said it is not proper use of the English language, but THEY insist that it is bigoted to not curb your language to suit THEM. He and she is a bad word and an insult.

    The idea is to make everyone the same and not draw attention to genders? Yet at the same time this group is distinguishing themselves as theysians. Drawing attention to the,selves as distinct and different.
  20. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Not what the bill is about at all.

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