As I may have mentioned in other posts I recently got together with some old army buddies. We wanted to go hiking (in fact it was my idea.) We used to enjoy hiking and I thought it would be fun. Well let me tell you, after a half hour I was huffing and puffing and hating life. I've resolved never to go hiking again. Anything you're to damn old to do anymore?
putting my pants on ..also parking in far spots is a no-go ,,shopping without a cart even if im just buying one thing ill add more when i think of them "new" music
Binge drinking Actually make that intoxicants Staying up all night Hanging out at my friends' houses for days without going home to my own bed
Rather than being too old for hiking, you're more likely too out of shape for long hikes. You can't just be sedentary for months or years and expect to be in the same shape you were when you were more active. If you do a half-hour of brisk walking a day for a few months, you'll probably be able to do the same hike without much trouble.
You are making me feel ashamed about my loss of energy over the last few years. Jane reminded me last week that my mother never took the bus for the 7 mile journey when she visited us every week, even when she was 85 years years old. Walking every day must have been good for her health, since she lived until she was 98 and still walked to the shops until the last few years..
I assume since you are talking about old army buddies, you are talking back when you were in your 20s "We used to enjoy hiking" Cant say I ever found walking up a mountain then back down again all that exciting, whether it was in my 20s or later Cycling too, riding around for hours balancing on that little seat pressed up in the part between your nuts and your bumhole, never found that exciting either
Sorry. Not trying to engergy-loss shame you. Energy loss doesn't necessarily come from being sedentary, but I suppose it can
Chocolate, or anything sweet, just not as interested as I used to be. Everything has to be salty I remember as a kid my grandad used to put salt on his porridge, I was like what da fook?, now I get it
Nope, I'm not old enough for anything yet and if I am, I'm gone hurt myself finding out. I do find though if you just keep going then you're better off like my older farming family are late 60s and 70s and those dudes can farm like they always have. But then once a person stops doing that, to me is like leaving a car for 3 years and then problems arise when driven again. So I don't think maybe you're too old for hiking just, you need a good service lol.
No need to apologize, the truth needs to be pointed out to me at times. On the other side of the coin, my brain seems to be more active to compensate. During the day, the phone hardly stops with people asking me everything from how to solve electrical engineering problems, how to fix the washing machine, to having difficulty with their maths homework. A few months ago, you advised me about possible alternative help for our sons knee problems. Unfortunately, it appears to be a bit more serious than we originally thought. He had an appointment with a senior consultant last week and xrays show that his articular cartilage area has an outgrowth that is chipping off against his patella and the debris is grinding into and damaging the meniscus cartilage along with its associated ligament. This is the root of the nerve damage that causes all the pain. The consultant thinks that the growth stems from an incorrectly healed small bone fracture that Terence knew nothing about. I think that the outgrowth will have to be corrected by surgery, since it is the size of a marble and needless to say, Terence is not very happy about it.
I'm just getting too dam old for bullshit! Ive gotten better over the years on just telling people to fuck off