I'm so confused

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by MissJo, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. MissJo

    MissJo Member

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    I just found out that my boyfriend likes another girl.

    Maybe I should explain a bit. We've been dating for about...three weeks, not a long time, I know, but I feel I know him better than anyone else. And I know about his friends and how he feels about them. But I just found out that he sees a girl he's known (much longer than me), he considers more than just a friend. I really don't know what to do now, because I know that there is never a time that I would feel the need to be with someone else--he completes me more than anyone I've ever known, but the fact that he must not feel the same way about me--even though he says he does... He's the type of guy I've always pictured myself with: a musician, a philosopher, with a general sense of humour--and he says he loves me for me, despite my flaws.

    Now I'm not sure if that's true or not. It's not like I go out and find someone else to fancy.

    What should I do?

    <3 Jo
  2. Rigamarole

    Rigamarole Senior Member

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    Well you should cut his dick off of course. That'll teach him.

    He'll be angry at first, sure, but when he realizes that you did it because you really love him, he'll melt and be yours forever (they can sew it back on anyway). Believe me. I had a friend that happened to and they've been happily married now for many years.
  3. Hikaru Zero

    Hikaru Zero Sylvan Paladin

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    Confront him about it, and calmly/nicely ask him what the deal is.

    If he's really worth a relationship with you, he'll either (1) have a satisfying explaination or justification, ESPECIALLY if he's a philospher, or (2) be willing to make certain sacrifices for his relationship with you, such as ... not seeing her as more than a friend.
  4. ahimsa

    ahimsa Senior Member

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    I don't want to be the one to sound harsh, but I just don't think he is as into you as you are into him. Think about it, 3 weeks should still be the honeymoon period of your relationship; he should still be excited about you. Apparently, he is already bored, which means it will only get worse.

    Sorry for being a pessimist, but that is my take on the situation, but I've been wrong before.

  5. MissJo

    MissJo Member

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    meh. We ended up breaking it off. I'm really supportive of him, and I've wished him all the luck with his new girl. I can't hate him for loving, can I?
  6. Scissorhands

    Scissorhands Member

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    Yes, especially if he was straightforward about that... it's much better than going out with another girl behind your back... That's a positive aspect of the end of your relationship, I think. Best wishes!
  7. steffan

    steffan puffin

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    sounds like he was cheating on his girlfriend, i wonder if she knew about you?

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