is that even possible? and what makes a person real or not real? if you're playing a role, aren't you still really a person who just happens to be really playing a role? and aren't most people in real life really playing a role anyway? i mean if they want to get paid or laid, people pretend to believe in things it never even crosses their minds to actually think about. when i think about acting, i think about putting on a costume and becoming some very real imaginary thing that is something other then entirely human. or even partially so. do have to explain what i mean by "real imaginary"? i suppose i probably should try to. maybe some other time. if i do.
actors are so retarded they spend their whole lives trying a win an award for being good at pretending to be someone they aren't
who is more retarded, the actors or us "viewers" who make them ridiculously wealthy watching them pretend to be someone they aren't?
Thought about starting another thread “I am not an animal, I am a man” - John Merrick (The elephant man) but we've had enough of those threads Hotwater
a lot of people spend their lives pretending to be someone they aren't, and they don't even get awards or huge paychecks for it. and look at all the people that join hipforums to pretend to be someone they aren't.
indeed raygun was an actor too, just not a very good one. and that's the problem where you have billions of people voting for one head of state, there's no way in hell 99% are going to know anything real or accurate about any of them they get to choose from. so they vote like idiots for a name because they've heard of it, which is how crummy actors become even worse politicians. for every big name who gets all the perks, there are a thousand never heard ofs with real talent, who have to keep their day job. that's why a lot of artists, and especially young, now that we have the internet, take commissions. which is fine for them in a way, but it also grinds the imagination and creativity out of them eventually, from having to appeal to the market of what people want, which is too often nothing but portraits of their characters, without a thought to the kind of world their characters would have to live in, or how their ways of living in it create that world. and the same goes for music and story telling, the limited repitoir of plots that appeal to the broadest audiences, seldom inspire anyone to think about how things actually work.
everyone is an actor. most of us aren't very good at it. most of us don't volunteer for the job either. which may have something to do with why we're not.
"Show business kids making movies of themselves You know they don't give a fuck about anybody else"