I'm here for mainly one reason...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by -J., May 18, 2014.

  1. -J.

    -J. Guest

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    Yeah I have the worst parents in the world, they're like quarrelling to me righ now goddamn i HATE them... but here;s the thing... I need to know the american culture for dealing with losers. Like do they keep them as slaves and then ruin their lives, making them pornographic?? I had pretty high aspirations as a kid when I was younger, but my parents and family have sent me to the madhouse of the country, driven me insane...my grandmother has given me poison to drink, they took me out of school because of a bully, when they should have gotten the bully removed... this and a plethora of other things they have done to me... (including not protecting me when I needed it most, from online assailants...)

    I need to ask the following to people other than they...

    Is the American New World Order hateful towards skinny and fat children from birth?? Does it label them losers and have everyone-including their parents- hate them?? Does it raise them to hate themselves?? DOes is label them evil and make their very bodies pornographic??? Or is it all in my head??? I'm really, really, really scared of my future because practically everyone in the present seems to hate me. Can someone help me out?? If it turns out that I am a member of some sort of "New World Underclass," I may just kill myself and get it over with.

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