i'm gonna haveto make some little under 20k immages to attatch. here's (hopefully, trying out this attatch option) one i've got kicking arround that i've been using as an avitar on other forums
You should be able to reduce images to that amount fairly easily. afterall they probably don't need to be any bigger than the screen, for display purposes, and the screen can't show any more than 72 dpi.
file size ~ ((hpels * vpels * color depth)/compression method factor) + format overhead or something to that effect. only certainty is attempt and measure. jpegs have of course veriable compression factor that is traded off for fuzzyness (and are of course the loss of density is nonreversable). gifs work just fine (and are fully restorable) with sufficient cropping. color depth compression creates that pixilated effect with them thought appearently.