Wooo we're all goin together! I love how that site has the test to tell u ur gonna to go to hell and then sells you stuff to stop it, just $15.00 a per dvd people and your soul cold be saved! Its just so christian of them dont ya think?
Mike Seaver is Jesus now? What happened? So, is Ben Mary Magdalene? And Leonardo DiCaprio is the Devil?
See ya there Should be a real fucking party with all us lot there Love Clairexxxx (but apparently my love isnt good enough for God, arr well )
apparently murdering animals is A" OK by god, however, lustful thoughts will send you straight to hell..... yeh, of course
Thats always confused me cause if ur not sposed to have even lustful thoughts before marriage whats the motivation? i mean i assume by lustful ur not sposed to even fancy somone, its just silly! How do you know you even fancy the opposite sex you might be gay and never know it, mind you that will send you to hell as well i spose lol
hmm theres some people with some real unpleasent views about.. lucky there not in any postition of power. or are they ???
My friend who's a morman priest said that its human to look once with lustfull thoughts,.... but to look again is a sin in the eyes of god? dunno, just what he said:s
Can I come too? Don't think I'd want to go to heaven if that smarmy bloke is there trying to sell me a DVD...
i never knew God was a four lettered word.... also its sites like that that give christians a bad name. the don't even have their facts straight to be honest...man.... don't believe this is what all christians are like-they aren't. a lot of my good mates are christian and i respect that asthey are amazing people and to a certain extent their faith makes them so. they also respect me as a buddhist. yeah just thought that needed said... namaste x x x
Naaaaaah. That was the crusades and the inquisition. Y'know, mindlessly butchering people. That kinda thing