Totally random sounding but I thought hey it's a random ass forum. So here ya go. Are we allowed to cuss on here? Is ass a cussword? Idk. Anyways I've always been modest n I love that. I cover everything except for my hands n neck. I don't wear tight or see through items. I don't wear pants without a top that covers my butt. N I fcking love it n just wanted to say that.
Good for you. I'm glad you're comfortable with yourself and the way you dress. I like to dress casually except for special occasions.
extreme modesty is kind of a self contradiction. modesty means the avoidance of extreme anything. as far as what you wear is concerned, i dress to be both comfortable and avoid attracting unwanted attention. unless i'm going to a convention and can afford the kind of costuming, where what i would like to attract attention to is imagination. i really admire costuming and makeup that makes someone look absolutely beleivably like a living sapient non-human. but i have too many other interests in my life to afford to really do it right. so the closest i can come is a tail like a cat. i have a head that i've never finished, it lacks a lower jaw and see through eyes, just holes that give me plenty of visibility but don't hide the human head behind them, so i don't think i've ever worn it since i furst made it a long time ago. i believe in the broader meaning of modesty, which segwuays into consideration. just not encouraging others to be annoying, by not being annoying myself. i suppose i'm confating modesty with moderation, but that's the way i think of it, which seems to me the only logical meaning of it.
Totally. I spend a lot of time thinking about this. N I NEVER talk about it. This is the first time I have. Funny how extremes always attract attention so it has almost an opposite effect. That's wut sucks so much about it. Like with ultra orthodox people etc. Given I'm NOT actually religious ( technically more of a non practicing witch unitarian) I just have my many very sound reasons but I am assumed to be religious which is...not what I really want. I'm the type wants to blend in real bad but my personality won't do it. Like those days when I end up wearing all purple on accident n my shyness makes me self conscious when people think I'm a dork. Which I kinda am.
we live in a statistical universe. nothing wrong with reducing the likelihood of unwanted attention. i'm old enough to remember a nearly opposite time, of unspoken but culturally assumed 'dress codes' mostly i'm glad we're not living then, but i do wish the idea of personal dignity hadn't been thrown out with them. i like having a shirt pocket for my pen and note book, which is also a convenient place to carry things like i.d. and buss pass. and solid colors instead of having to be an unpaid billboard for some brand or product unrelated to anything in my own life. ferrets are welcome to be long, i just prefurr to explore un-obvious pathways like curious cat.