I'm Coming Out

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by bantzndgiglz, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. bantzndgiglz

    bantzndgiglz Members

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    So I've made the decision to come out as bi to my girlfriend tomorrow. I've talked about this whole dilemma in previous threads.. feel free to check them out.
    I can't go on pretending and feel she deserves to know.
    So tomorrow is d day for me. Wish me luck

    Ps. If you'd be interested to hear how it goes, leave a comment below
  2. John1234567

    John1234567 Members

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    This should be interesting. Hope it goes better than when i told my wife
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Wish you much luck..if she doesn't accept your honesty, she isn't the right one..
  4. bantzndgiglz

    bantzndgiglz Members

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    Well this went better than I thought. She's given me the thumbs up for threesomes

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