I've been making music for about 5 years now, and only in this last year have I been posting. Just didn't feel like I was up to par until this year. I've recently released a new album, Tokiomi23. (You can find it on any and all streaming services, my artist name is TEE RISTO TEMBO!) I really only have passions for making music, playing video games, falling in love and going to cool places. Overall, when it comes to introducing yourself, it's often tricky, I think. Because we want to frame ourselves as these ultra cool individuals that are doing ultra cool things and live the absolute coolest lives, when in actuality I think we're all probably a little boring, at least sometimes I think I'm boring. I put all of my entertaining charm and spunk into my music, and outside of that I'm just regular old Tee. It's exciting to be on a forum, it would be dope asf if you checked your boys music out, I have delusions I want to disprove. That and I think it genuinely slaps. Anyway, that's me. Hope it was a good introduction. TEE