I'm not going to get into personal private shit (for once), but I have some serious skeletons in my closet, some that I'd rather take to my grave. But my stupid fucking mental disorders make me ramble on and blurt out embarrassing and inappropriate shit to total strangers before I even have a chance to stop myself. It's a nightmare of a problem, and sometimes I've been seriously afraid of the possibility of going to jail for something seriously fucked up I've said to someone. I don't know when I started talking so goddamn much, I remember back in high school I was always the quiet kid who never opened up to anyone. I need to go back to being like that, for my own sake, before I ruin my own life by letting the wrong shit slip out in the wrong situation. What are some steps I could possibly take to make myself "tight-lipped" again? Besides gouging out my own vocal chords. Believe me, I'm already close to considering that option at this point...
I was thinking sewing my lips shut, the pain will be a more firm reminder that I need to permanently shut the fuck up. But whatever works, I suppose.
I'm sure this is real because...well, just because. That being said, OP, you just made me Laugh Out Loud! :rofl: I'm thinking gluing your mouth shouldn't be an option. I'm old and have gone through "spells" - many eons ago I talked too much. I'll say it was because I was young and you do foolish things when you're young and haven't learned about life yet. Years passed and I was quiet, saying relatively nothing and keeping everything to myself. I got shingles and hives and even got used to thinking I'd eventually get bleeding ulcers. lol THEN (as in now) I am capable of keeping my mouth shut...but when pushed I have no problem saying what the hell I think needs to be said to take up for myself or what I think/believe. However, what you have described almost sounds like Tourette's Syndrome, except you haven't said you also find yourself making noises. Maybe some Tourette's people just say stuff and don't also make sounds. Anyway, you might want to see a doctor about this. OR take a little notepad or notebook with you ALL the time. EVERY TIME you find yourself start to talk to random people, you must make yourself write it down 1st. If the urge is still overwhelming, then maybe it needs to be said.
Superglue would only last 3-4 hours... Maybe a little longer on lips. But it releases skin due to oil and sweat in several hours by design, it was originally a medical compound used for closing wounds. I like mentioning that to people who have sliced their fingers to shreds with a razor blade because they didn't know this simple fact.
I've had a couple of head wounds, and even though I wasn't bleeding profusely I was bleeding and there was a gash. Well, 2 different times there was a gash. That happens when you jerk back a garden hose with a squiggly thing on the end and it BAMS you in the head. My very good friend that has a strong stomach superglued my head gash together both times. She said next time you HAVE to go to the hospital for at least 3 stitches. I finally quit jerking the garden hose if it had a squiggly thing on the end. I've also decided that if anybody starts going at me about "taking up for myself", I'll tell them I've had head wounds. OP, that might work for you if your mouth ever gets you into serious trouble - tell them you've had head wounds. just a thought edit: I've also honestly got dents in my head from this...so I know I'll never want to shave my head.
^^^ Ty, you just gave me an idea...I do have metal in my ankle. I can say the metal in my ankle is reacting with those head wounds and radio signals and BAM! WHERE is that mental hospital?!? Of course I'll need to save that for "just the right time"
if you did some shitty things then you need to pay for them.....bad shit will keep happening until you man up
as long as you're not running for president of the u.s. you're cool. if you are, please drop out of the race.