im 55 bi guy most guys interested in me are under 30 is this ok to meet them

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by 2mass, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. 2mass

    2mass Members

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    i m really attracted to them and they seem to be to me .i don t think i would date under 25 is this acceptable .
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Yes; this is acceptable. Be kind to one another, and enjoy yourselves.
  3. Time Out of Mind

    Time Out of Mind Members

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    If it works for all involved then go for it
  4. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    A lot of people, gay, bi, or straight, have desires of being involved with an older man. The age difference shouldn't be a issue among consenting adults.
  5. olderndirt

    olderndirt Senior Member

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    It's okay. My wife enjoyed being the older woman for younger men.
  6. Msh1313

    Msh1313 Members

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    I’m 73 and until a month ago, all the guys I had been with were my age or a little younger. But I hooked up with a 21 year old on Sniffies. Went to his apartment and he was naked and on his bed waiting for me. I got naked and we 69ed for a while then he got on all fours. I licked his asshole and he lubed it up and asked me to fuck him. Unfortunately, I came as I slid my cock into his asshole. But it felt incredible.

    He was very fit, not an ounce of fat on him.

    if that can happen to me, it can happen to any older guy
    casper72 likes this.
  7. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's acceptable - but I understand that some guys feel weird about having sex with someone much younger than they are - or with someone who is much older. The main thing is... are they legally old enough to consent to having sex and, yep, if they're in their 20s, they're legal. Now it comes down to being able to come to terms about having sex. I was in my 40s and had a young lover who was in his 20s and... it didn't feel weird to me at all but, then again, I'm not squeamish about having sex. He was not only amazing as a young man, he was a sheer joy to have sex with. We got into a routine where I'd suck him off - and, wow, he could really bring loads of cum - and in return for not being able to suck my dick, he preferred to be fucked and, well, it just worked for us. Our age and generational differences weren't that much of a difference and he had said that he was glad that I was that much older than he was so he could learn more about being mature.

    I know why guys are weird about having sex with someone nowhere near their age but does it really make sense? Sure - I've had sex with guys who were younger than my youngest child - but they were legal and they sure as hell weren't my children so the dreaded "I" word was never in the mix - and like a lot of guys seem to think. I get it... but it doesn't really make sense and more so when in the history of things M2M, younger has been attracted to older and older attracted to younger and that just seems to be normal without being all weird - or making it weird.
  8. TwinT

    TwinT Members

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    Sexual orientation also has an age dimension (→ chronophilia), in this case:

    → Geronotphilia

    Gender-conforming men are mainly interested in male youth at an age when they can still compete with female youth in terms of facial beauty, elegance of physique and hairlessness, and this is traditionally the age of beardlessness (→ Pederasty) Today, the twink age is the upper limit. This type of homosexuality, age-stratified homosexuality, is historically the most widespread, because it is also interesting for conventional = 'straight' men.

    Egalitarian homosexuality, which has only ever interested a tiny proportion of the population, essentially more feminine and especially gender-nonconforming men who find virile men particularly attractive. The only kind of homosexuality promoted by the state today , and since there is little danger of conventional men being interested in it, it is a kind of aversion therapy.

    Those who tend to be inflexible should stick to their own age, as the personality factor Openness to Experience decreases while Conscientiousness increases with age.

    However, for individuals with high Openness to Experience and low Conscientiousness, the youthful personality is usually much more attractive than that of older people, not to mention the physical advantages.

    Then there are those who have to resort to older/old men because they can't find other service providers.

    Finally, there are those who are looking for a positive father figure - and there are quite a few of them.

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