It seems the very idea of barring illegals from our country is racist for some reason. I would like to know why. To me its simple. You lock your doors to keep badguys out, why should we as a country allow illegal aliens in? Especially since they are unvetted?
Ironic isn't it. Without legal and illegal aliens this country would have likely died out a few hundred years ago. None of them were "vetted" either.
If the United States truly is a counrty of immigrants? By that logic only immigrants are atcually Americans, rather than those who came before them or were born here, so in other words every new wave of them are more American than the previous immigrants were. As far as wether you think it's racist to not let them in, that's simply a tactic of emotional manipulation and therefore should be laughed at and disregarded. If they cannot fix the country they came from or improve its economy? It's very unlikely they could do that here.
Well.... It's obvious, isn't it? We let them in because they are all rapists and gang members... I mean, right? [/sarcasm]
It's sort of like if you were Michael Jackson and you let people onto your property to enjoy your theme park. I want to let strangers into America so they can have a good time. It's all good.
I don't recall anyone, not even Donald trump ever insisting all of them are rapists and murderers, drunk drivers, etc, yet it's disasterous to say the least, to indiscriminately let just anyone into your country to visit, let alone to live on a permanent basis.
sure, but would you let kids in that theme park when it belongs to a person who was accused of multiple counts of sex crimes against children?
America is run by an international banking elite who want a one world government. So before you can have that, you must dissolve a country from within. You do that by basically bankrupting the country, partly by bringing people in from the outside, many of which will then be dependent on an already broken system for their survival. Funny how so many people defend illegal immigration and say shit like "we're a country of immigrants," but yet we have people who were born in this country who are starving and unable to receive the help the need. I have nothing against people who seek refuge from third world living. I don't like it when people scapegoat the people who are coming here, because it's being allowed and encouraged by the system itself. But America itself is on a fast track to becoming a third world country, and part of that will be because people are allowed to flood into the country, many of which are unable and/or unwilling to assimilate. The US was not the welfare state it is today back when the majority of immigrants were coming here from Europe. Today, many people come here simply to live off the system, and that is a fact. To compare today's immigrants to those of your grandparents' and great grandparents' generations is simply ludicrous, which is not to say that ALL immigrants who come here today are bad people, just that many of them aren't coming here simply to work and build a better life for themselves.
It's not the legal ones I'm talking about, its the illegal ones, and can you list a founding father that was an illegal alien?
That's all well and good if they go through the front gate and pay for the rides. The illegals are doing neither.
Technically all of the founding fathers became illegal when they revolted against Britain seeing as the King claimed the colonies as his own. It would be beneficial to think rationally
I frankly don't see illegals as being that much of a problem. Plus, they're fun to be snooty towards. Even the poorest naturalized citizen can feel superior to an illegal immigrant.
Cause you white anglo saxon protestant bitches need people who do dirty work for minimum wages. Sheeeesh.
If they're illegal no one is "letting" them in - they're putting themselves in life threatening situations in order to get here.
Honestly you spout a lot of common talking points for such a free thinker. If they're illegal they're not living off the welfare system. They're generally working their ass off for third world wages doing hot, hard, dirty work.