Ignorant Feminist

Discussion in 'Feel Good Feminism' started by rambleON, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. rambleON

    rambleON Coup

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    This post is a reaction to the above quote and only the qoute...this pic was originally posted in another thread but here I place my response.

    What a blanket statement--it's naive and ignorant...i.e. the face of the oppressor is predominantly white, therefore all whites are the oppressor and privileged. what Mrs. Morgan lacks is context.

    In a nutshell she is reinforcing the whole of mankind's slavery, justifying ruling class ideology.

    By its implication the quote ignores the strongest, most brilliant form of slavery that all are bound to, regardless of race...it's none other than the subjugation to Capital. Only in a fairy tale are all other ethnicities except 'white' people oppressed, thereby stripped of their heritage, 'freed' from the rights of the land, 'freed' of the products of their own labor, 'freed' of developing all their human capacity, 'freed' to be commodities and otherwise alienated under a monstrosity that hardly comes into question, as such becoming an organic, as natural as the sun reality.

    How many Europeans were ground up by the Juggernaut of capital? As many as all other nations...To hold the current mode of production, and the social relations it produces as a natural law severely limits investigation between what things appear and what they essentially are, imo. It's not a race thing. Capital oppresses because it is inherently evil.

    This all presupposes that racism is a tool of the ruling class. this can be investigated and shown to be correct. If true, feminism is reactionary and strengthens the status quo.

    The quote is more glaring because the face of the oppressor was predominately black in ancient history

    However, does not feminism cry out against oppression, rightfully so?

    Feminist fight and seek solutions inside the same box that all oppression originates from...and thus the ridiculous quote.

    The truth is all (most earth inhabitants) are oppressed and all have a common enemy in oppression...this should only reinforce unity, but atlas that great monster Capital descends from the heavens and enters the conscious, branding it.

    Picture 1: Privileged White miners stuffed like cattle in a mine shaft. They are over come with joy and ready to create value for the Capitalist.

    Picture 2: Privileged white workers produce products that are no use value to themselves, but alien commodities (who later will lose a means of subsistence to machines).

    Picture 3: Privileged white children set to work in mines for the Capitalist.

    Picture 4: Oppressed 'Black' and 'Latino' women work next to privileged 'white' woman.

    Picture 5: Privileged 'white' wage slave sells garbage commodity to a privileged 'white' male.

    Picture 6: Oppressed 'Hispanic' handles garbage commodity to serve either a privileged or oppressed consumer.

    Picture 7: Not sure if these workers are Privileged or Oppressed to assemble frankenfood commodities.

    Picture 8: The truth
  2. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    "If I could become a part of the oppressed I would be free". That has to be the stupidest statement. Please give away all your money and live on the street for a couple years you brainless bitch.
    1 person likes this.
  3. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Abundance breeds warped and diseased minds, as demonstrated by the author of the quote above. They are the seeds of cultural and, subsequently, social decline. It's simply a byproduct of progress. That being said, whether you are Black, Blue, Orange, White, Asian, or mixed - we are all victims, in one way or another, of human nature, its greed, and of the indiscriminate natural forces that bind us.
    2 people like this.
  4. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Wow, you are an awesome writer. i see that time after time....amazing, and your wisdom to accompany it,.
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  5. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    I bet her minge smells like a road badger too. Oh no! And guess what, talcum powder is also white.
  6. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    I see an old, ugly **** who never earned a cent in her life, but lived off the earnings of a white male.
    (or privileged white males, if she lived off the government tit)
  7. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I've never had an emotional reaction to my passport
  8. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Actually, she has been writing as an author and journalist since the 1960s, and has been a university lecturer.

    So not living off of another of any gender or color.
  9. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I'm guessing she is referring to a US passport, which is complicated in some areas.
    People holding multiple passports have the freedom to be seen as nationals of a more favorable nation, depending on circumstances.

    Central America? I'll break out my original passport and keep the US one well concealed.

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