If you're in Amsterdam, I NEED YOUR HELP, and "hi"

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by bestman, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. bestman

    bestman Member

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    Here's the deal--oh sorry...hello everyone, can't wait to get to know you all!--

    Anyway, here's the deal...I got a bunch of things I gotta figure out, and all (hopefully) can be taken care of while I'm in Amsterdam...

    Brief intro: My name is Mick Lauer (actually Mick, not Mike or any other possible variation), I'm 24 living in China (though I'm only half chinese...the other half being white), and I'm going to Germany to be my bestfriend's bestman for his wedding.

    Today is Sept 1, I'll be in Amsterdam on the 7th. I was hoping you guys could help me out with a couple things:

    (1) being the bestman, I have to arrange my buddy's bachelor party. Sadly, I'm the only male friend he had that could make it out. I plan on getting him good and wasted, but I don't want to do the run-of-the-mill gig, where we just go to bars and get wasted, I want it to special and awesome and crazy! I thought maybe if we did a bunch of different things I could distract him enough not to notice that I'm the only friend that could make it out...y'know?

    (2) This one is more important in a business kind of way.
    I'll be in Germany and Amsterdam for 2 weeks, then I'll be returning to China. however, my Visa has expired and I need to find a Chinese Embassy (or consulate)...I googled "Amsterdam" "Chinese embassy" and got a bunch of links to a site that doesn't exist. I'm hoping there's one in Amsterdam so I don't have to trek out to Berlin. If anyone knows anything about this PLEASE tell me as soon as you can...

    I'm not normally such a curt jackass, but this situation has gotten pretty intense! It's supposed to be a time of celebration, and I feel more stressed than when I was studying for finals at New York University!

    Thanks guys, hope to hear back.

  2. prankster1590

    prankster1590 Member

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    For a good bachelor party you have to go to the BananaBar.

    info link
    more x-rated link

    And the Chinese embassy is located in The Hague and not in Amsterdam. But it is a hour driving away from Amsterdam

    Ambassador: Xue Hanqin
    Address: Willem Lodewijklaan 10, 2517 JT The Hague
    Office Hours: 09:00-12:00 / 13:30-16:30 (Monday-Friday)
    Tel: (0031)70- 3065060
    Fax: (0031)70- 3551651
    E-mail: webmaster@chinaembassy.nl
    Website: http://www.chinaembassy.nl

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