..would you psychologically order the annahilation of (a) all insects in the universe (b) some insects, not all of them because I like some of them or (c) none of the above?
The force is strong with the insects. Didn't Jesus say something like "If you had the faith of a flea, you could move mountains?" Yeah. Darth is lucky the insects didn't kill him, or maybe he knew not to mess with them.
I like mosquitos because they are an evolutionary mystery. Ticks are just little round micro pancakes that in order to feed of you they have to live in you. Ticks can fuck off. Given the chance I would untick ticks, even if it means superhuman laser eyes will never be invented
You may be thinking of the passage from Corinthians: "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." But I imagine Vader wouldn't like a flea in his helmet, since he'd die if he took it off. That would really suck.
I'm looking for more specific answers here guys, I like all your funny replies but seriously flies, should they all die or not
Flies and insects are an essential part of the global ecosystem. Without them the animal and plant kingdoms would collapse.
Cheese sandwiches. Geology. Everything else in the entire univrse. These are all things that might not exist without insects ETs and EDs are ok, exoplants and
dude, you want a serious answer? he couldnt beat a ragtag group of rebels so what makes you think he has the power to kill an unlimited number of bugs, dont forget that his mind tricks wont work on that fat ass insect watto