Next lie. Next debacle. Only specific drugs are permissable under obycare. If not deemed appropriate by the comissar , you will be paying once again. So let's see ; premiums go up over 100%. Deductables nearing 15k. Medicaid exploding ; while doctors opt out. Big insurers getting once again "bailed out". Yes , Rx for disaster. Enough already?
No. We have just had the afore mentioned info presented to us. One of the enigmas of this bill is the citizenry was not made aware of the ramifications of obycare before it was passed. Other forums are on fire over the draconian , coercive policies of the current regime. Most folks here are so heavily steeped in the welfare state that this might , in fact , make them feel even more elitist. The power starved really get a boner for barry.
I do. Consider my posts PSA's . Perhaps an education for the left. To support this feeble health care initiative , one must be ultra left , reverse racist , or just plain cognativley impaired. What category applies to yourself?
Why did you just dislike my post? I was just asking a question. Do you not like questions? Also, great thread.
Because you are letting your ideaology cloud reality. Are you an obyphile or just an adgenda driven lefty? Ah , yes , egg , to respond. obycare is anti male , anti white , ageist , and discriminates against rural Americans. The afore mentioned demographic has been "red-lined" and singled out to pay the highest rates. However current industry trends do not put the given demographic at highest health risk. When redlining was aimed to target African Americans ; we complained. Discrimination. Now, the shoe's on the other foot ; seems oby got his revenge. Every day , new horrors seem to surface ; perhaps this could just be a trojan horse to single payer.
I don't really like or agree with the healthcare act in any way, but it would be really nice if people would provide sources to back up their opinion. There is so much misinformation floating around regarding the healthcare act.
In the words of "San Fran Nan" "Read the bill". WTH. ^ No. Fraggle. Nothing personal ; obycare is becoming an insult and the vast majority of Americans are pissed at best. Some folks in dire straights have lost health care. Some folks on chemo have lost health care. More have lost coverage than attained coverage. oby has done the sick a tremendous injustice ; just to promote a racist , socialist ideaology.
Since you've clearly read it perhaps you could site some page numbers in the bill to support what you said in your original post?
Do your own homework. My poop is in a group. Just google the Rx regs of oby care. Jaysus. Or maybe you'll just let the gubmint get your info for you.
No one is going to take you seriously if you just spout out crap without backing it up. I've done my own research. The problem is the bill is huge, a lot of people have a lot to say about it, only about 25% of what people on both sides say seems to be true, no one wants to site their source, and no one else wants to read through a 1500 page healthcare bill just to prove some idiot on the internet (not you specifically, just internet idiots in general) right or wrong.
I knew that, asmodin. Than why have you intervened in a thread entirley nuanced to an American issue? Trolling perhaps? Oh . no , time to call super mod? And yes, Mileil, read the damn bill. Incidently it's not 1500 pgs. Closer to 2400.
I don't think YOU will be taken seriously when it comes to adressing trolling issues. I simply wish people backed their spouted crap up too but was pointing out it seems to remain wishful thinking where it comes to you.
Whatever can go wrong under Obama's commie care probably will. This is why is pays to have personal responsibility and take charge over one's health. Frankly, I couldn't give a shit less about drug coverage, because I have no need for them. I just don't like having to pay for something I don't want.
That's an excellant post , Pressed. Although individual resonsibility seems to be a strange new concept to some ; ie. asmodin , canadiens ,euros , etc. Promoting your own good health is a personal agenda ; not the gubmint's. For us older folks allow me to once again raise a red flag for anyone over 50 to take the Framingham ratio challange. Determine your good health and consequently DO NOT in enroll in obycare until physically forced. Remember fines are only assessed through tax refunds. Manipulate your income and timing accordingly. Subsidies when available will start at 27k and below. Again , adjust that income. Those working for $ only , as usual , are at a distinct advantage.