If you could time travel back to any time, what time would it be and why? (Just watched Safety Not Guaranteed ) Am sure some of the guys here would secretly like to go back to the 80's, own them long-haired perms, blue eye shadow and lip-gloss while rocking about in tight leather pants... Or perhaps some of us would go back to the 70's when the acid was worth taking... I
I’d like to go back in time around 12,000 BP (Before Present) and join a group of Paleo-Indians in their quest to hunt down and kill a Mammoth or a Mastodon. Hotwater
If I could take a microscope with me, I would go back to examine the metabolic activity in the first organisms (on earth). Then I would travel forward in time every 4 or 5 weeks, by 100 year increments until I arrived somewhere in the late 60s (if forward travel is allowed in this thread ). That's as far as I want to go.
Well, I'd have to have not aged in my coma I usually make up something about a space-time warp caused by acid, actually... so yeah
I would time travel to my childhood with everything I know now....and with my family all alive.....with more strength and wisdom on my side, I hope I would have the tools to handle things differently than I did at the time.
Oh, it says why. Okay 1) Hippies, cultural change, etc 2) Music 3) Pot prices 4) Acid was real and most importantly, 5) GIRLS
well its really not the past that interests me that much, though i would like to satisfy my curiosity about times, places and events that have been obscured by the selective process of recording and teaching history, by what has come in that manor, to be the dominant timeline. what it would actually have been like to have lived in times and places that generally what we are taught about is highly speculative, if at all. i'd be much more interested in migrating to certain future times it is my own speculation that might occur, after, for instance, the coming difficulties that we are entirely gratuitously inflicting on ourselves now. or simply sideways so to speak, without really having to mess with time at all, to perhaps other sapient populated worlds that have had the fortune to avoid some of our more glaringly obvious mistakes.
[SIZE=11pt]Armed with chronological knowledge of every event over the next 8 years including every Powerball winning number through September 2014 - I’d say you’d be quite a hit with the ladies [/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]Hotwater[/SIZE]
how does time travel effect my appetite first? does it get reinstated to that specific period of time or not?
I would go back to 1994. I would then be having my daughter again and the following year my son. That way I would get to enjoy raising them again.
I'go back to about 1 B.C.. I'd try to kill as many people in as short a time as possible. Starting with Jesus Christ (if real) and try to get the most out of the whole butterfly effect thing.
Probably the 60's/70's, and visit countries like Syria and Iran. Also would like to experience life and culture(s) in the heyday of the british colonial empire (and visit and live for an extensive period of time in countries like England, India, Egypt and surroundings, french Algeria, cities like Istanbul and Casablanca and maybe even go to the american frontier)!