I would be a poverty eradicator. Specialising in the extermination of childhood hunger and preventable disease.
Hmm this was probably my list as a kid:- footballer, architect, martial artist, lawyer, doctor, businessman, investor. And later on, I wondered about musician or film-making. Eventually, I went to law school. Found it rather dull. Went into business and investing. Will probably do creative type property dvlt at some point (similar to architecture), and finish some novels. Looking back, I think football would be a fun 1st career. Unfortunately tho, little kids are at the mercy of the indoctrination of their family/schools/culture/whatever.
Ballerina!!!! Pianist. Designer. I'm just imagining though, as I've never even played any instrument, designed anything or did ballet (except for barre class haha). Also, archaeologist or museum curator, which are slightly more realistic options. Maybe a small business owner.
I read this as "poetry eradicator" at first, and wondered what happened in your childhood to make you dedicate your life to removing poetry from the world, lol.
I would love to be a combination of these things. Basically, I want to be Paul Farmer, the founder of Partners in Health.
Golf....actually I just want to play golf all the time and live comfortably. I don't give a fuck about being a professional anything.
Also, if I could see well enough to drive, I'd be a truck driver. Not permanently, but for a while. The idea of moving goods has always seemed romantic to me. I think of trade routes in the ancient world with camel caravans moving loads of exotic spices, teas, and oils. I'd love to be a part of that tradition.
I think there is a lot less romance and a lot more speed and piss-filled bottles than you're expecting.
Driving around, delivering stuff to people is actually a pretty entertaining job! Being an architect sounds nice to me at first but only if the designs I'd come up with would actually be build and don't have to lobby all the time or do concessions to it. In reality being a passionate architect seems like a real drag, unless your designs happen to actually be in fashion/demand. I've been down the path of working in a museum (when I studied history and had to do some internships) but I found out it really wouldn't suit me. I also understand it depends a lot on in which museum you get to work. And also a bit on the function you have of course. Compiling new exhibitions seemed nice at first but once again: you're so dependant on what's in demand atm and you go from exhibition to exhibition and from deadline to deadline.. Found it to be not so fun at all! Yeah, trading/transporting goods to and with private enterprises/individuals is much more satisfactory to me than a high aimed and maybe influential position. Took me awhile to realize my priorities and preferences for sure
:cheers2: It's all between our ears anyway (that we NEED to be an expert/pro in one thing and call it a name). Hey, it is very worthwile to specialize and it can be very satisfactory for real but not for everyone. And secretly, or better said on an unprofessionally level, we all specialize in being something worthwile :2thumbsup: It just depends on the person in what way exactly they aim high. Professionally, socially, 'hobby'wise, etc. etc. etc. edit: personally I dislike the word hobby
Am I to understand seriousness is not required? I'd get paid to get high. Otherwise I want to be a marijuana farmer someday.
Hell yeah! I want to have that job of the guy who sells 'souvenir' marijuana seeds! I saw a doc on Nat. geographic where he travelled to some places in Africa to find new/purer kind of strains... He gets to travel to awesome places, comes in contact with weed farmers in the middle of nowhere and gets to make people happy selling excellent pot seeds allover the world :biggrin:
Well, he put a lot of work and effort in developing and running that business. Not all luck by far...