If the Internet collapsed tomorrow, under its own weight of porn, celebrity gossip and mindless self-promotion, I really wouldn't give a fuck. If that happened it would obviously signal a complete breakdown of society as we know it, which would perhaps not be a bad thing. It would be hilarious. And I would simply acclimatise to its absence. But seeing as it seems like it's here to stay, I just have to live with it. In many ways it embodies Hegel's concept of the absolute mind, a converging of human thought into a unified field of collective knowledge and human endeavour. But it really has become something of a public spectacle.
I agree. I wouldn't miss it. This society is desperately in need of an overhaul as well. So bland and stale and generic, yet we accept it and there are enough people who actually worship pop culture that we're headed towards serfdom if we're not there already. Except a sick serfdom where people try to play out roles set for them in popular culture that pale so miserably in comparison to the lives of the celebrities they worship that it's actually revolting to watch unfold. The stupidity snowballs into a giant mountain of self-degradation and annoyance.
the internet has already collapsed an information superhighway jammed up with disgusting perverted deviant vehicles bumper to bumper with tongues up each others tailpipes.
We have absolutely no conception of what would happen if the internet completely failed. Every shop would close, Gas water and electricity would fail and shut down within less than an hour. Sewage would flood the streets and all our emergency services would be unable to operate. Their is even a possibility that even air traffic control would fall into such chaos that planes would be falling out of the sky Almost everything in the western world is linked up by the internet in some way, including traffic signals and railway signalling. I find it hard to think of any business that could continue to operate without the internet.
It's not really technically possible short the most extreme natural disasters. But I would be immediately out of work, so I'm against it.
I enjoy using it. But if it went away---fuck it. Hell , I didn't even have TV when I was a little one. (glad about that) I went outside to play , make things ( a go-cart before there were go-carts) ride my bike , swim and all kinds of ACTUAL activities. one of the happiest times in my life as a "grownup " ,was living in the jungle on the big island with nothing other than nature. No radio, no phone, no TV and NO NEWSPAPER. Paradise.
If the internet collapsed tomorrow, then my entire cloud storage of tasteful nudes of all of your moms would disappear. That would free up at least eight hours of my day that I currently spend on archiving, rating, and gawking at said artful images. I wouldn't know what to do with the free time.
An mores the pity. I think it's crazy to depend on the net to run everything. And it's getting worse. But in my case , I'm going to get sooooo much money from a friend in Nigeria that it won't matter to me.
I like having the internet but I'm not addicted to it. I get out. I do things. I'm an active person. I have that portion of my life where I'm totally unplugged. But I also literally have all of the culture, art, history and information ever right at my fingertips. The internet has shrunk the world--how many of us are at least pseudo-celebrating our little Prussian friend's wedding? Everyday I'm on HF talking to folks from all over--Southern US, Australia, Holland, Germany, etc. I can research anything my mind can think of. As a kid, I inherited my mom's Encyclopedia Britannica (who remembers those?). Now I have a million times the information accessible through a device the size of a calculator. Beats a literal room full of books. No, the internet is one of our greatest inventions of all time. Laugh if you want, but it's right up there with fire and the wheel. It's great. But it all depends on how you use it. How you perceive it.
Even I am surprised at times. A few weeks ago, I was at a quiet rural railway station and being unmanned, I pressed the button on the box on the wall to ask the signalman when my train was due. Somewhat surprised when a woman answered, I waited about 5 minutes for her to work it out. Knowing that Wimbledon is now controlled from Clapham Junction, I asked where the control room for the area is now situated. She just casually answered "The new control center is in the Philippines". PS, I am still waiting for my money to arrive from Nigeria.
Without the internet, how would I ever be able to repair my car engine. Nearly 2000 youtube members have already tried this method at home LMAO.
I would be bummed if the internet went away--BUT I lived without it for most of my life, and most people in history lived without it for most of their lives. So, we would all adapt. Humans are pretty good at adapting.
Sometimes I miss the way life was before the internet It was a simpler time, but maybe thats just nostalgia talking But also i'm taking online classes because going to a physical class is impossible for me due to time constraints, so my future and my goals would fly out the window And i dont know what I would do without netflix and streaming services. Watch cable tv? Ew no. And i really like being able to learn about whatever, whenever and wherever I want My job would be a lot harder without the internet Planning trips is awesome with the internet. First trip I went on without my parents when I was 18, i actually planned through a travel agent. Weird For the most part the social aspect is my least favorite part about the internet, with the sole exception of this place. I might actually miss you guys