If my memory serves me well I actually gave two body knock outs. And if my memory serves me well I actually had intimacy with six girls. What do you remember well?
the first time i saw a model train. i was one year old. it was in the basement of a friend of my dad's. it was automatically controlled by relays and had working signals. no scenery. just a shelf just wide enough for the one track and the signals. i remember the first hot food vending machine in the oakland mole, where you got of the train to ride the ferry boats across the bay to san francisco. this was long before b.a.r.t., but the key system was still running on the lower deck of the bay bridge. (and riding the ferry boats and never getting to ride the key system because my dad's pass was good on the boats. he worked for the s.p. rr co.) i remember carol dota's shoe shine booth in union square. and that hurst girl handing out free coppies of the birkely barb. the meow mix parody issue. i remember the first west coast computer show, and seeing something called the apple one. the oliver engineering paper tape reader. and boards for the s-100 bus made by some outfit called pickles and trout. thomas fredric custer, being chief train dispatcher on the sacramento devision. lil's bakery in colfax california. the last time steam ran in regular mainline service over donner summit. old u.s. highway 40 before they built interstate 80. and 99, before they built i-5 too. the last sacramento northern steple cab switcher under wire in yuba city california. train 17 and 18 in the feather river canion, and 21/22, 27/28, and 101/102 over donner summit. (rode 27/28 and 21/22 a bunch of times on my dad's pass)
^^^ You claim to remember stuff when you were 1? I doubt it, more likely you remember the train from a later time and have planted that in what you want to remember
lots of people remember stuff from when they were younger, just not the majority in a culture that makes childhood so painful the mind reflexively occludes it. i think people lie to themselves to pretend they can't remember their childhoods because they want to believe the myth of how fun and easy its supposed to have been, so they hide from themselves their real experiences of it being anything else. now i'm not saying it isn't in many cases a good thing that they do. but what isn't a good thing is how people talk each other into doing so. how parents are influenced to coerce their children into giving up their real bullshit detectors, to trade them for the ability to lie to themselves that it takes to have a better chance at superfiscial gain in their lives. if it wasn't for the filth of a culture that romantacizes aggressiveness, most people would have no problem remembering most of the things in their childhood.
I agree VG. It may be possible that the memory is a pre current life memory ( PC for past life lol ). I have had vivid memories of particular instances and upon confirming with my mother, always came back as "no, we never had ..... or never went there etc etc. The earliest I have ever recalled was late 4-5 yrs old, but those were very (at least in my perspective) powerful incidences. If you can confirm it with your parents then it was a memory, if they look at you with confusion take it as an imaginary thought; planted because someone had what you didn't or went where you wanted to go; so intern you vividly create the memory of you playing with that toy or going to that place. Given it is imagined, the details get misconstrued so may come out as being 1 or in the birth canal. The power of imagination
I remember my Mum crying, and my nanna picking me out the cot, shouting my dad, and a strange lady rushing into my Mum..I remember the feeling of fear, scared, I was crying, the need for my Mum.. It is patchy, but its there...she had a baby, lol, there is 13mths between us.
How old was the baby, if the baby was 13 months that makes you 26 months old or a little over 2yrs of age. So given the incident at hand it may be possible to remember something that profound You acknowledge the shakeyness of your recollection and the age you were at, it is also possible the incident may have seemed worse in your developing mind then originally was. Easy, if possible confirm it.
I'm willing to bet that everyone remembers a helluva lot more from their first year of life than all the years that followed, assuming of course a person wasn't kept in a dark box. for instance, I have no trouble remembering how to hold my pee-pee and poop in, or how to walk, talk, interpret facial and body language cues, etc., etc. One reason why we don't recall a lot of specific memories of events is because at that age our brains where much more involved in learning the important shit about basic survival and socialization. Considering how little we actually know and understand about memory formation, storage and recall, there is absolutely no way for you to make such a definitive statement such as above.
Yes, it's most likely impossible to remember things before the age of 3 or so, brain is not fully developed enough before that to form real memories. Well, to be clear, we remember them for a little while, but forget by middle childhood.
morrow was 13 months old when her mum had another baby and that is her recollection of the event, is how I read it.
again, you learned how to walk, talk and socialize during that period. what do you mean no real memories form...LOL distinction needs to be made between a memory that you can actively recall, but I guarantee you, our little brains were busy recording shit just as much and more in those early years than they have since the age of 5. what is not fully developed yet is the language skills and categorization scheme that we "adults" use to organize and order our memories. memories from early childhood will be visual in nature and may not conform to the same type of timeline as memories formed at later ages. That makes a big difference in recall.
Learning and memory are different. You don't have to know that you are learning iin order to learn. I remember the capital of Uruguay, but don't specifically remember learning it. I'm assuming here that memory here means the recollection of events or facts, the retrieval and replay of these events or facts in my mind, the ability to accurately describe them. It's possible that morrow is correct in her recollection of that childhood memory, but I doubt it. Memory itself is fairly unreliable, and most of our best sources point to the fact that her brain was not developed enough to carry those memories to adulthood. It's very very easy to plant false memories. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that memories become less and less reliable the more that we access them, if they exist at all.
im sure i dont remember the entire thing, like who went for the midwife, or seeing the baby for the first time, but i can assure you, i remember. I also spoke about it to my Nanna years later, what she did say, was the noise my mum made, is what made me cry, i had been sleeping till them, she and my mum verified what i said. but then maybe some of us have better recall than others...but i do remember the day my baby sister was born.
If 'Memory Serves', I always liked the Helms Bakery truck better than the Ice Cream truck. I would always get a glazed doughnut and a chocolate milk.