I lost over 100 lbs in just a few months, and never once did I get high, at least not when I wasn't smoking.
most of what's stored is non psychoactive metabolites. any THC stored would be realized too slowly to get you high anyway I think ... it would be like smoking a joint ver slowly and continuously over a week or something.
I've had one experience where I went out jogging and I truly felt stoned afterwards for about 30min. I'm not sure if it was runner's high or cannabis - but it really did feel like I was baked. But yeah, as acek says, most of what is stored is THC metabolites. In Sweden there's an old myth still being passed around that THC stores in the fat in your brain and re-releases at random times, getting you high.. I wish that was the truth, haha.
When you exercise heavily, or say jog for 30 minutes straight, endorphins are released. If I'm not mistaken, endorphins make you feel a type of high. I don't know how long the "high" lasts though. Supposedly, when someone is severely injured their brains release that same type of chemical, (again, if I'm not mistaken...and I'm not googling all this info before I post it...I'm sure ppl here will be more than happy to correct me. ) which ideally numbs/eases the pain. I've broken a number of bones and dang if I know how long I have to have an injury/broken bone for my endorphins to kick in, but it has to be a L O N G time...because I never felt any relief until I had some pain killers going in my mouth.
Well when i smoke hard for a few month and then pause for some reason, i feels like i need some new activity, and start run in a park for an a hour 3-4 times a week, and u know at the end of the run i feels like im little bit high )
I love how seriously everyone took this You're the perfect sample group for my following question Shamans in tradition will ingest mushrooms that the group then shares through his urine. If you get high on Marijuana, can your friends get high by drinking your piss? Bump
nope, THC breaks down in your body to THC-COOH, this is a non-psychoactive chemical which is fat soluble so it is stored in your fat. i personally like to combine the "runners high" with real weed when i get home from a nice jog. try it, its pretty relaxing.
If I stick a dry glue stick (for a hot glue gun) in my ass. Is there any rational reason to fear your ass being glued shut? Bump