ok the first person tells me what I would win an award for. tThen the next person tells that person what award they deserve, and so on, thus creating a chain of awards. ALso, please keep your speeches to under 45 seconds, or I will have to play beatles music louder and louder until you shut up. if you have a large, pointy nose, feel free to kiss halle barry. it's better if we post actual rewards, like, a serious, well not serious, but not stupid award..... like, best uhm.. iunno, best use of verdana font.
then wayfaring gets the "always has something nice to say award" also known as the good vibes award. lol
That was the exact one I was thinking! LOL Willy my boy you get the strangest uniqueness award (Walking backwards? Come on) Congrats! Wear your individuality with pride -hears beatles music and leaves-
DarkLunacy you get the "Drunk guy who cant think up of good awards" award *Much *like**myself!*How is willy wonka unique again... and yes i would like the award for "best guy who slags off other peoples posts which are clearly better than his" or just "best male"...
ok, "Best guy who slags off other people's posts which are clearly better than his" award it is. I would give you a little golden statue but We_All_Shine_On took them all and is using them as army men. As you can see, she has gathered a deadly fleet of little golden men. (yes, I'm stoned, in case you were wondering).
lol shroomie gets the oddest signature award for that fucked up killing vid yeah.. -golden statue keeper
pressed_rat gets the award for the guy who always says things like he knows something that i don't. and that no one else knows either. *which he probably does.
well, each to their own i guess! i definately don't think that shine_on is annoying!! i think she's COOL.
to serra, I give the award of, not only coolest cartoon/drawing on all the forums in your avatar, BUT also, best use of colour in your signature,
Fractual gets the award for giving TripAmerika the excuse to give Fractual an award so TripAmerika can get an award.