Hey all this would be my first post so don't bash me if I'm doing stuff wrong haha. Anyway, I just wanted to ask how you can take all those rushing ideas into your head, plan them out, and use them toward writing your first pages. Do you guys have any recommendations for planning styles or techniques. Thanks.
They say to make an outline first... But what do I know. I know I've supposed to have been writing a book for 20 years now and I have no fuggin' idea what it's supposed to be about. So, Yeah! Just get something down on paper, better start than I've made.
As soon as I think of anything good I make a note on my phone. Then I can go back to it and such. I also think that taking your own personal approach and your own customisation of recorded songs from many artists could be of value. I have a few ideas for books that are simply the song titles of bands I like. I wouldn't write the book about what the song tells, but rather, redesign the whole thing altogether and make it my own. Many times I actually post things I wrote as communication to other posters in the forums just to see how it looks and reads. A few people have given me good feedback and that they like the way I post etc. I've gotten lazy this year though especially with reading and writing. Few big things happening in my life soon that have just taken my time away from certain things.