requires an expansion of the state of happiness to be shared through multiplication and diversification of idealized states of consciousness talk amongst your sweet little selves
Nope,does not exist(humannature)................same as ideal capitalism(humannature)..........imo. Maybe social capitalism?........... Just concepts......... most of the answers lie in the middle.....sigh. Mzzls
Oh, another good idea. Especially as practiced by Joe Stalin, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jon Un,etc. I nominate the Honorable Donald J. Trump to lead us into said state.
Have a little humour............ A "ideal" whatever does not exist imo...............humanature........stop thinking left/right? Mzzls
That's so vague it could be ideal anything. Marxism is a specific ideology, political systems or movements based on it, and a labels used by various totlitarian regimes to justify their existence. It is supposedly "scientific" socialism, based on the fallacious notion that their understanding of history in terms of dialectical materialism will enable the working class or its vanguards to bring about a dictatorship of the proletariat, to be followed by a transition to an idealized communist society in which work will be done by each according to his ability and to each according to his need. Still pie in the sky, but clearer than your version.