I have peppermint growing in my back yard. I love to put it in home made iced tea! What are ice plants, I dont think I've ever heard of them. I may have seen them around though.
We have iceplants growing like crazy here~I constantly have to pull them so they don't intrude on our other plants (they grow FAST & yearround here in sandiego) Here's a link to a pic of iceplants~they get covered in beautiful flowers! We mostly have the large variety pictured but do have some of the smaller trailing out front-they have them as ground cover along many of the roads here~ http://www.elektrikacid.com/photos/parties/projectmayhem/pages/iceplants.htm
I just noticed that link goes through some other pics~not sure who's site it is I just did a search for iceplants and that came up hehe
Hey Ya, The Ice Plant we have has fuscia flowers. Saw some the other day with real bright orange flowers. They grow them alot here too. I think they sure are puuuuuuuuuurdy
I'm growing peppermint,spearmint, applemint, and chocolate mint. The plants are doing real well. I've never grown ice plants. I may have to get a couple and see how they do in Texas weather.
ice plants are winter hardy XX perenials that spread like crazy. I have "Table Mountain" in the "garden strip " of my apartment building. I also have last year's returning mints, a hybrid and peppermint and they are taller than the iris leaves! I said I wanted perrenials that I wouldn't have to worry about ... and I got it! Now, let's see how the marigolds and columbines will do.
I have perment plants,they seem to do well even iun a pot indoors for the winter..green healing thoughts....love
I grow many types of mint. They all like LOTS of FULL sun. Plenty of water, but soil not very important. As teas, they're great (apple mint is my favorite tea). I also suggest you use them to flavor home made ice cream. Yum!
I luuuuuuurve chocolate mint and pineapple sage. Smells so good. Had some pineapple sage a couple yrs back but it didn't make it. Also love the flower on chives. Anyone planted chives this year ?
I'm an organic farmer, mostly growing cooking herbs, tomatoes, peppers, and shiitake mushrooms. I grow a large amount of both pineapple sage (and other sages too) and chives. Here in central Alabama both are perennial. The pineapple sage dies back to the ground in winter, but the chives just keep going. For me the chives multiply themselves like onions and produce seeds. In fact they're blooming now. I weed them once or twice a year, other than that I just harvest. For me the chives are very important. To see why, check their price in the stores. There's an old gardner's saying that I like, "May the bugs in your garden eat only the weeds."