I get these sometimes, like an icecycle(sp?) that grows upward out of the ice cube and sometimes gets pretty long How da fuck does it do that?
I'd never had it happen either until recently it started happening. Come to think of it, it seems to happen near the same place on the ice cube tray. I'll have to start paying more attention to which cube does it.
Is there air blowing into your freezer in that spot or something? maybe it's near a fan? I don't really know how freezers work.
There is no water source above the tray. It has to be some kind of air current from the freezer fan I guess. That's the best I can think of.
This is officially my favorite thread of the day and I have no idea why. Maybe I'm tired or bored but I think it's hilarious.
moisture condensation in freezer to high.. your freezer is to empty and the water molecules in the air are collecting. true the fan is giving the water the lift is needs to stay elevated. add a few plastic bottles of water, dont fill to top. will take up space in freezer and it will run less.. your door may not be sealing properly either..
your electricity is running more to that freezer to cool nothing. some gallon jugs or gatoraid bottle with water in them will take up the space. keep fridge cool. break up the air movement, and your ice will taste better. add a drying agent in freezer, box of baking soda with the tab on top cracked.