I wooped his motherfucking ass

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Death, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. Death

    Death Grim Reaper Lifetime Supporter

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    Everyone has been in some sort of physical altercation. like this one time in gym class I was arguing with this boy about some shit i dont remember, but he said something lke "shut up white boy" and I said "Youre white too" and I started to walk away. he jumps on my back, I shake him off, turn around and splatter his nose all over the place. I swear that was the bloodiest nose i have ever seen.

    Tell me a fight story..

  2. Death

    Death Grim Reaper Lifetime Supporter

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    nobody has ever beeen in a fight?
  3. Lodog

    Lodog Senior Member

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    In basic training we used to have king of the hill body boxing matches. We'd all gather around in a circle and watch two guys go at it. When someone gave up someone else took his place. I took on this Dominican guy 4 inches shorter than me for about 7 minutes and got the tar nocked out of me.
  4. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    k, I'll tell you one

    when I was like 8, this friend of mine was being a real annoying deuche so I told him "you are annoying, go home" and he's like "no I don't wanna" and I'm like "go home" well he gets mad at me and pushes me, so I push back, then he kicks me in my shin, and I tackle him and start punching, he pushes me off him eventually and runs home
  5. MollyThe Hippy

    MollyThe Hippy get high school

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    most people here are hippies and don't believe in fighting
  6. Death

    Death Grim Reaper Lifetime Supporter

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    Self defense is not a choice or believe in it. sometimes it is necessary, hippy or not.
  7. MollyThe Hippy

    MollyThe Hippy get high school

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    ok then, here's a self-defense story

    i was a substitute teacher in brooklyn, ny for a gym class (gym class substitutes get it bad) and this young gentleman was dragging a fellow female student across the floor by holding her hair and so i asked this women if she wished to participate in this activity and she said no. i then asked the gentleman to let her go and he refused and so after releasing his grip on the woman's hair and his current interests in pursuing confrontation, this young gentleman can tell you how many lights are on the ceiling of the gym
  8. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    I've never been in a fight.... i'm small and female, I avoid fights at all costs (at least the physical ones)
  9. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    One night at Neffer's Bowling Alley, I heard some girl talking smack about my best friend Erika. She was saying how Erika was such a bitch (Erika is in fact probably the nicest person I know...) and how she was glad that she had a miscarrige. So I walked right up to her, and punched her square in the nose. She fell and didn't get up. I walked away. The end.
  10. Dustinthewind

    Dustinthewind woopdee fucking doo

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    in 10th grade i went to Indiana with my best friends family. Well some of the girls there just totally stereotyped us as being "california surfer girls" after hearing this for days and days, I just couldnt deal with it anymore, so I went up to the little bitch and said "what the fuck?" she was like cali girl go home, i was like fuck you, she said oh ya, and about that time i had her by her hair and slammed her face into my knee, broke her nose, blood everywhere. my friend and I just sat there laughing at her. I never did feel bad about that.
  11. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    my boyfriend told me yesterday that he was waiting at a crossroad and this dicky Maori guy came up to him and goes 'Gimme a fucking dollar' and my bf was like 'wtf no' and this guy goes 'empty your fucking pockets' and my bf just laughed coz this guy was a real try hard wannabe tough guy and told him to fuck offf and the guy did ahahahaha. I know, not exactly a fight, but once this guy though he was gonna be in a real fight he got outta there real quick.
  12. lynsey

    lynsey Banned

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    I got in a lot of fights...non of them are that intersted and i got my ass kicked once when I was a junior in high school and that was my last one. But once in middle school I rmemeber this annoying pervy yucky boy who tried to grab my ass and asses of others all the time grabbed his last ass ever. He grabed me and I kneed him in the nuts and he fell and I just kept kicking him and kicking him there. I hurt him really bad I guess and almost got expelled but my mom had documentation of all the times I told the principal of this boy assaulting me and i got off free. I still feel kinda bad but I was literally petrified to walk alone in the halway because this boy would grope me.
  13. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    most of my fights have been sorta stalemates. One was a streetfight, not really my fight. My friend was talking shit, never intending to walk the walk (he can be kinda dumb like that). Well, the other kid called his bluff and I had to kinda help him out when the other kids 2 friends joined in. Fortunately there was a lot of people out (friday night in a pretty happening part of town) so there were cops out, and the 3 of them took off when one pulled up to the action.

    Shit always seems to happen; like I never get to finish my fights. Though I've only ever been in 2 or 3, I've never been a fighter. I only started one, and it was pretty half hearted, I actually felt bad while I was doing it.
  14. Colours

    Colours Senior Member

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    omg this one time, i was in this bar with like 5 huge guys, and they were like hey bitch wanna fight? and i couldnt back down, because, what kind of pussy backs down from a fight? So i rolled up my sleeves and got to work punchin one guy and kicking another. then this huge hoss comes outta nowhere and gets me around the legs. as im fallin i grab a bottle off a table, break it over some guys head, and stab the guy in the heart with the other end. sure its rough, but sometimes you just gotta fight.
  15. 121

    121 Senior Member

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    Ok I remember one,

    When I was in school, this kid used to bully all the others and fuck them up badly. They would never tell the teachers because of the payback. One day he asked for my last sweet in assembly class. I told him no and he promised to kill me in the playground. At play time he kicked me onto the floor and tried to kill me by punching me in the adam's apple.

    The next day I was in the boy's loo, taking a piss in a urinal. He came in with his crew and kicked me in the back awhile I was pissing. I said to him "If you do that again... I'll kill you" and carried on pissing. He kicked me in the back again...

    I turned round and grabbed that bitch by his head. I started smashing it against the metal towel dispenser and threw him to the floor. I sat on top of him and punched his face against the concrete floor. I then grabbed his melon fucking head and started slamming it against the floor. A teacher came in a dragged me off of him. It's a good job because I would have done time for murder :X
  16. Colours

    Colours Senior Member

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    =o. you should have just turned around and started pissing on him. it would have been much more humiliating.
  17. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    only if he wants his dick ripped off. Oy!
  18. a guy who had made my life hell all school year hid one of my books (personal read) he and his buddy cornered me and I picked up my english book and started beating him, I don't remember anything until I saw him twitching crying and bleeding on the linoleum floor

    I don't know where his friend went and my head hurt for days....

    other than that I've only been punched once, but that's more or less it
  19. Colours

    Colours Senior Member

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    well i mean if he goes for your dick, i guess its fair grounds to kick his ass...or you could just take pictures and tell people he tried to rape you :D
  20. fitzy21

    fitzy21 Worst RT Mod EVAH!!!!

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    in 8th grade i got into this fight with one of the biggest racist i have ever known at this point in my life.

    so one day on the bus, he ended up calling me a pussy as we were pulling up to school. so i called him out and told him i'll fuck him up when we got off the bus. well, he didtn' get off the bus right away, so i said fuck it and walked away. i walked to the back of the school like i did every morning and he comes running up behind me and pushes me. so i turn around and he pushes me again...so i take a swing and crack him in the jaw. he starts falling down to the ground and i keep punching him. i end up mounting him and start whaling on him, he's all bloody. a teacher comes out and tackles me to get me off him.

    i end up getting suspended for 3 days, he did too, but mine was more enjoyable. he never landed one hit on me.

    he's lucky the teacher came out...i would have smashed his head into the concrete if it wasn't for the teacher.

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