I wish I could just quit fucking shit up.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by tuesdaystar, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. tuesdaystar

    tuesdaystar Interneter

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    I don't know how I'm ever going to turn myself into a reasonable grown up. I can't get my ass to work on time. Can't keep myself fed (ie bring food to work instead of just spending most of the day desperately hungry). I keep screwing things up. Why the bloody hell is it so hard for me to do basic person things???

    Is it physical? Like I'm not eating right and sleeping right and getting enough exercise? Is it mental? Do I have some sort of handicap that prevents me from functioning on a basic level?

    I have an almost 5 month old kid now and it is a fucking imperative that I take care of my shit and thereby take care of him and teach him how to be a reasonable person.

  2. Lodog

    Lodog Senior Member

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    Just take some drugs to curb your appetite and you'll be fine
  3. jaredfelix

    jaredfelix Namaste ॐ

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    use your reasoning skills.. plan ahead, set goals if you have to and write them down if you must. get a pocket calendar, or schedule thing. pack yourself a lunch silly lol you know youll be hungry without one at work and be sure to get there on time if you plan to keep it! set your alarm and leave earlier then usual.! yes your diet and sleep habits could be affecting your reasoning skills...
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I have the more boring answer but it generally (also in my own life) just comes down to discipline. Ideally self-discipline of course :p.
    When you eat, sleep and exercise bad for a long time it can affect you mentally as well. Nothing serious, just apply that annoying word :D and get to it!

    edit: this sounds good too :2thumbsup::

  5. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    I can relate, wish I had an answer for you. Diet and exercise would definitely help I would imagine.

    I think I know where mine stems from but I'm sure each case is unique.

    ...says the guy with no job or responsibilities.
  6. calgirl

    calgirl Senior Member

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    Try to lighten up on your self imposed "rules". Instead configure the life that betters suits you rather than forced into compliance. I dont like working on woeekend or working with my hands so that is what i've not ever considered that type work again. There are so many options in this world. Dont tie yourself down to one idea.
  7. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    My thoughts are: you have an awesome amount of responsibility on you with a 5 month old child. That type of responsibility/committment will sometimes zap a woman of normal sense for a time. lol

    Please don't let yourself fall into depression that is well known to come after giving birth, post natal or postpartum depression. Your body's hormones and chemicals are zooming all over the place, plus there is the amount of physical work/lack of sleep that come with a new baby.

    One trick to get anything done (I think) is to literally make a list.

    Get a notebook and let it be your list notebook. From "get something together to eat to take to work", to "pack diaper bag", to "get a shower" make a list. Of course the lists will vary greatly.

    I am a list maker. I used to keep a little notebook in my pocketbook (always) and just keep on-going lists of what I needed to get, to what I needed to do, to planning with dates, etc. Since I don't do so much anymore I don't keep as many lists...but lists have worked for me so well that I know I will always keep lists for the rest of my life. I didn't start list keeping until about 25 years ago, and I can't even begin to describe the difference between keeping lists and not keeping lists...except to say it made a huge difference, in my peace of mind and getting things done without having a nervous breakdown at the last minute as I tried to do whatever. ;)

    Also, with a child that young, I highly doubt you "don't get enough exercise." lol :D
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    No point not fucking shit up, shits boring not fucked up!
    Fuck everything, then stomp it to pieces!
  9. Death

    Death Grim Reaper Lifetime Supporter

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    Order pizza at work!! or chinese food or subs or chicken wings delivery.
  10. tuesdaystar

    tuesdaystar Interneter

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    Haha yall have cheered me up a bit to be sure. Calgirl, I def need to change jobs. I hate working at a desk/computer in general, but this particular job I hated so much I quit it 7 months ago, but they asked me back for the holiday season and I took it out of lack of options. I have to take 3 damn buses for over an hour to get to a job I hate that's a 10-15 min drive away. At this point, I'd rather work retail and it wouldn't even be that big of a pay cut.

    Lynnbrown, I was totally worried about depression since I went through the most painful depression of my life 9+ years ago when I gave my first up for adoption. I was worried that just going through having a baby again would send me into it, but I've been stressed and moody, nothing I would call "depressed"

    I made lists a lot when he was new born and it did really help. I should try and stick with this habit.

    I'm all for fucking shit up. It's kind of a hobby. But I need to take good care of my little man too. I need MUNNNAYYY
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I'm not always in this luxury position ;) :bobby:
  12. tuesdaystar

    tuesdaystar Interneter

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    Sounds nice
  13. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    Oh, ok.
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Yeah, I rather am low budget and have periods where I have an abundance of free time than working all the time. I never could focus on or was interested in a career so far anyway. It's not 100 % by choice that I don't make reported hours now though. Because I never seriously focussed on a career I have a pretty shitty CV, so when there's not a lot of jobs I am one of the last they invite on a job interview :p

    But I can see how my post sounds 'easier said than done' to some, especially because you are in a relatively new rhythm with new responsibilities :sunny:

    I am also not a listmaker by default but when I get stranded with things it has proven to seriously help me out, so I say it again making a good planning (and actually carry it out :D) is half the work! :2thumbsup:
  15. calgirl

    calgirl Senior Member

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    Ok, well you'll feel energized if you start looking for different work. When something so dominating as a job has you gripped, it's really hard to concentrate on other stuff. Your life might lack that concentration, and with a bit of happiness, it'll come back.
  16. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Lists. It helps to stay organized especially when you also have an infant.

    The list though should also be reflective of what has to be a priority for you. What has to be done and what is able to be postponed.

    Not easy to juggle it all sometimes.
  17. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    I totally agree with this. I am a mess without lists. I have one for just about everything. Household tasks, daily/weekly/monthly things that need to be done, shopping lists.... as a mother, dry erase boards and notebooks are your friend.
  18. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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  19. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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    oops, not sure that was the right one. My Mike Rowe stash may have gotten mixed.

    {ed} It's the right one. Just have to get through the lamb balls to get there.
  20. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    "I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments." - Jim Morrison

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