I want to live more enlightened, travel, do cool things,etc

Discussion in 'Ask The Old Hippies' started by wtfisthatkid, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    How can I start?
    I'm 18, almost 19, and i'm a dropout with my GED.
    I want to travel the world with my skateboard and my camera.
    I want to experience life in a way that i enjoy, that makes me happy, and doesn't contribute to the negative points of society.
    The problem is..I don't know where to start.
    I don't have much money anymore, so i should probably start off there so I at least have some funds for food etc until I can find some sort of work.
    After that though, any ideas, advice, suggestions where to start?
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Were your parents born overseas? If so, try and go for a passport from their country of origin. If not just get a passport anyway, save as much money as you can, head overseas and tend bars as a job for income with a working visa and then you're basically kind of set. Work, travel and live. =]
  3. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    Nope, actually i'm 1/4 native american haha..But yeah I already have a passport!
    Thanks for the suggestion, that's not bad actually, about tending bars, I hadn't ever thought about that.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    It's what a lot of travellers do and considering you know English you will be sought after especially in the European markets because you can communicate with English speaking tourists a lot easier than they can.

    With a little luck too you will find a decent employee that will set you up with your own place/room, maybe even alongside the pub you work at. We have a few people tending bars and waitresses even in my small town that come from England. It's a perfect way to explore the world.
  5. thismoment

    thismoment Member

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    What part of the world/country are you now?
  6. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    Upstate NY, USA.
  7. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    Depends where you want to go really.
    You can do couchsurfing and wwoofing if you need a place to stay.
    If you go to Asia, you could teach English, they are sought after in quite a few countries. Also working at a hostel is sometimes possible.
    The possibilities are countless really.
  8. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    I'm looking for anything. I want to go to too many places to pick haha. I wanna do this for a while or at least regularly. Thanks for the suggestions!
  9. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    If it doesn't matter, Australia is possibly the easiest place. It's well geared towards backpacking and travelling, people speak English, it's relatively easy to find a temporary job (on a farm, hostel, bar) and just generally a wonderful place.
  10. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Just do it..
    I would suggest saving at least a little bit of money before heading out so that you have some money to fall back onto in case you can't find a job right away. I've traveled with very little money at all before. I literally left with $20 in my pocket. I luckily found a nanny job right away. I also second the couch surfing suggestion bird made. You should make an account on the couch surfing website and network with people and make friends. I've stayed with people I've met on that site while traveling and had a pleasant experience with that.
  11. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    Thanks Bird_migration, i'll look into Australia. It's another country i've never been to, so that would be an interesting place to see for sure!
    RainyDayHype, thanks! Your post really hit me cause you reminded me of myself but more experienced.
    I'll definitely check that couch surfing site out, i've heard of it before, seems like it would be really useful!
  12. thismoment

    thismoment Member

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    Upstate NY - Options that seem doable from there include making it to Boston (maybe NYC, except I think it can be a pretty fierce place) and discovering some of the scenes there. Universities are good places to start.

    Also, check out Camp Bisco - it's near you. Have a look at festival guide in Hip Forums. Easy to meet people at festies. Some are traveling. There is an incredible festival scene happening. Be sure to spend some time here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBloomSeries

    Hip scenes in North Carolina. Not hard to find.

    Going to college would be a good way to find good scenes.

    Definitely save some money.
  13. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    NYC is very easy to get to from here! I've done it a few times, albeit with my mom, her friend, and her friends daughter/my friend. I'd like to go myself someday.
    Camp Bisco looks like a blast!
    I'm really interested in festivals although i've never been to one..seems like a good place to meet like-minded people.
    Thank you for your input!
  14. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Pay attention when you walk around and you'll find cool things to do.
  15. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    I know:) Thanks though!
    When i'm out and about, all I plan on doing is skating, hitting spots, work on my photography even further, and talk to the locals, and find the really cool stuff to do:)
    Thankfully my mom never liked any tourist trap crap whenever we traveled:b
  16. John Kennedy

    John Kennedy Member

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    Not any 19 year old teachers in Thailand. You need a BA or BS degree by law to teach. You could become a Buddhist monk and live and learn free while you teach other monks English.
  17. uitar9

    uitar9 Member

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    A daughter of a friend of mine works here in North America, for 6 months, saves like crazy, then travels for 6 months-repeat

    She's done that for 5 years, been all over-meets great people

    Wanna eat regularly, not have to rely so much on others? bring more money. If food and creature comforts arn't so important bring less money.
  18. snowtiggernd

    snowtiggernd Member

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    If I could be your age id do it. See the world, meet the people, take lots of pictures...Go for it.
  19. junglejack

    junglejack aiko aiko

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    IT MAY not seem important now, but your only 19 yrs old...it would be nice to have a GED at the very least. You never know,,you might have to work for someone else someday...You have a lotta yrs ahead of ya. life has lots of twists and turns & you never know ...... besides education is never a bad thing
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    But would you recommend travelling it by skateboard?

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