Currently stuck in north alabama. i decided that the responsible sober living normal life is not for me. so I'm bout to jump on greyhound hopefully find some drugs and go somewhere that has lots of drugs and chill...recommendations as ti where i should go? anybody wanna join me?
Do it and never look bad. Sorry to everyone that thinks its bad advice but the journey of life has many twists and turns. Just stay safe go where you can find easy work. I'd head out west. The east coast sucks IMO.
Go west young man. I'd like to just pack up and leave everything behind, but I don't have the balls and I fear the unknown. I will have lived an incomplete life, for certain. I think too many drugs can only be a bad thing, though.
Where west? i just don't wannabe when money runs out. i don't wanna get somewhere and be stuck in a corner
Do you have any goals Matt, are you working towards any particular kind of future? I've been seriously considering going to school, Aura is as well. I am terrified at how I am going to manage it (ideally I'd like to get into natural sciences, biology would be ideal, perhaps botany, and I'd like to learn more Latin) with two children and my current state of employment, but regardless of the costs, I'm determined to do this. As anxious as it's made me feel, this is actually a very exciting time in our lives as we arrange to start working toward a more meaningful existence. Ultimately I am interested in writing, and have absolutely no doubt of my capacity to be well received, but would very much like to have a solid grounding in a science in order to concentrate and specialize.
If you lack the charisma, mental faculties and capable resources to leave without concerns of finances, then I should suggest to you that you are not ready to do so. I did just what your considering over a decade ago, when I was 15. I lived as a drifter until just past my 18th birthday and saw much of this country and a side to life that most people will go to their graves without ever having any inkling of. I left with literally no money and two pairs of clothing, and came back empty handed. You either have the ability to become a con-artists when the situation demands it, or you don't. If you don't, expect a lot of misery when turning to 'spanging, lol. Please do some serious research before you go if you are truly going alone with no idea of how life on the road works.
Lots of drugs and chill? First thing that comes to mind is Nimbin in Australia. Other than that, just go if you really want to. That's what I did and I have absolutely no regrets.
Just giving you a small hint, Sherlock. Join Date: Aug 2010 Location: Bloomington, IN Age: 25 Posts: 405
And I do also wanna say that why do you have to go somewhere to find a lot of drugs? You can find a lot of drugs anywhere if that's what you want. You can find a lot of drugs on the internet. Anyways, yea, the advice magic rocks gave you is good though and if I were you I wouldn't go broke and ALONE..
Not everyone posts an accurate age on there, my friend. It also says he lives in IN when he posted that he lives in Alabama.
You could always hang out in libraries during the day and homeless shelters at night if you're not good at socializing. Can I ask you why you want to go and never come back?
hitting the road and doing lots of drugs sounds like fun. There's lots of people who have followed the same path. I think that quite a few end up dead or in jail after not too long. Very many end up up shit's creek. There's probably some fun in going the way you want to go, but bitter regret is the likely outcome. If you really want to hit the road, then hit the road, but it's advisable to figure out what you are doing first. If you are going to do drugs, I recommend that you stay away from the hard shit. You really don't want to become an addict. No one does, it just happens.