I thought I was gay for so long..... wondering if anyone can relate

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by boxo frain, May 4, 2008.

  1. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    I find that to be the way I think of love as well.
  2. nakedtreehugger

    nakedtreehugger craaaaaazy

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    yeah.... it's kind of the only thing that seems to make sense anymore. however, as i've recently found, sometimes it doesn't matter how much you love someone and have a soul connection, sometimes that relationship was never meant to be more than friendship. anything so emotionally gripping as love is bound to be confusing though, i guess.
  3. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    After reading that I feel like giving you a hug :). I agree, I think some relationships happen for us to learn how to be better lovers (not sexual). After the heartache/closure your rim for love grows higher so it's harder for someone to make a basket.... I hope that made sense.
  4. floyden

    floyden Member

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  5. Domikatetrix

    Domikatetrix if your naaaaaaaaaaasty

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    thats how i feell only it changes alot its sooo confussing :/
  6. ObjetdArte

    ObjetdArte Member

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    i guess i could post this here since it seems to fit. i am married to a great guy. i love him and find his attractive. but other than johnny depp (they both look alike) i do not find men attractive. i only like women.
  7. jia

    jia Member

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    I thought I was gay for about two years, I had just gotten out of a long-term relationship with a woman and I think that made me think I was a lesbian.
  8. Ann_00

    Ann_00 Guest

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    Great thread... I'm also in a similar situation. (Of course, my situation is sort of the opposite of the original post)

    I've always thought I was straight. I always assumed that any thoughts or attractions I had towards women were just the normal thoughts that straight people may sometimes have. Recently, however, I've come to realize that's probably not the case.

    These days I have zero interest in being in a relationship with a guy. I'm just not attracted to them much anymore. I am, however, definitely attracted to and can see myself in a relationship with a woman.
  9. sar31

    sar31 Guest

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    In my opinion I'd say you're probably overthinking it.. (Which I do WAY too much). If you like someone you like them and the gender thing might be confusing but I think it's easy to get crushes on anyone. So just let whatever happens happen. Even going on a date with the guy won't mean a relationship but it could be nice to try out.

    If you have any questions about liking guys or dating, PM me and I can help you. I thought I liked guys for years and have dated a few.. Now I just need to learn about the girl thing.
  10. floyden

    floyden Member

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  11. Invisible Soul

    Invisible Soul Burning Angel

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    I have never been with anyone intimately, but I still know my sexuality. My first attractions in my early teens, were towards females, and this made me think that I was probably a lesbian. By my mid to late teens, I started having really strong attractions towards men, so I started seeing myself as bi rather than a lesbian. In the time since then, I have come to realise that I am actually straight. The reason for this is that I realised my ''attractions'' to women were purely aesthetic. That I just found some other females pretty, but that was as far as it went. I've only ever really been sexually and emotionally attracted to men, and this is why I finally came to the conclusion that I'm straight. I can see the beauty in some women, but I've never had butterflies in my tummy (You all know what I mean! :p) around any woman, whereas I do get that feeling when I'm around a guy I really like.

    I think the teenage years can be very confusing sexually for a lot of people, and some can be too quick to slap a label on themselves. (Though that's not to say that some don't know their sexuality in their teens)
  12. theindiethinker

    theindiethinker Member

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    as a kid i was pretty sex crazed, always curious to know what was going on down there, but the more i learned about male anatomy and they way they are the more i was turned off. When I was 14 i came out ot my mom and she told me it was wrong unnatural yadda yadda, i thought i was gay for 4 years the ni met a guy i dated for 2 which lead me to think i was straight but low and behold i couldn't stop my attarction for women, cause after i left him, i've only been seeing women, and i haven't looked back. I consider myself to be a lesbian, Yeah some guys intrigue me but i don't think i could ever be emotionally attached or attracted to one, but can't rule everyone out, I have a cousin who lived a gay lifestyle for 10 years, swore up and down to be gay and then she ended up marrying a man, they are still together 5 years now.
  13. unholytaco

    unholytaco Guest

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    Amen to that. ;)

    For me, I've been exclusively lesbian for 10 years. I met a guy this past weekend and it kinda flipped everything upside-down. Prior to coming out I had been with guys, but I never actually dated any. It just didn't appeal to me (hence why I figured out I was gay in the first place). But this guy struck a chord with me that no man before ever could. And in fact, that most women don't either! I do believe that people can fall in love with a 'soul' and not the vessel...but there is something to be said for raw sexual energy. With this guy, he's attractive, but I find myself asking if I could *sustain* a sexual relationship. Even in a poly situation. It's just not there :-/ I think women are often more fluid because we're prone to be attracted to someone's mind and the way they make us feel.

    All in all, so glad I found this thread :D

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