I got my hair done 3 days ago and the person who did my hair told me to sleep with a do-rag on but I'm not sure that's helping much. I can see some of the twists coming loose at the end already. Is this normal? My hair is pretty short and its really soft too so that might be the reason why. Any tips on what I should do or should I just wait and see what happens? Also sorry if I shouldn't ask these sorts of questions here
So what should I do, just let it grow anyway? Would twisting it with my fingers help any or should I just leave it as it is?
I didn't do any retwisting or backcombing or crochet or waxing or palm rolling or anything and my dreads did just fine (4 and half years!)
Yea but twists are different to dreads. If you have twists and their coming undone ask a hairdresser about it, but if you're wanting dreads then just leave you hair to do what it wants now
Well the thing about my hair is it's really soft and curly (I'm mixed african and caucasian so it's a little on the softer side, but still fro-ish) so the person who did my hair said it would be best to start with twists since that's how most people with african type hair get it done, but I think mine might be too soft for them.
My sister's got that kind of hair type too, hers are fine. just go no wax, no conditioner, and rip them apart if they start sticking together. The will become more loose before they lock up. Other than that I can't say much more without a picture