When I was like 14 and 15 I cared so much about everything. Try to save the rainforest, animals, help out people in need. It was a thing I had to do. Now I can barely muster myself to to care much less do anything about it. Help.
I know how you feel, when I was younger I would always work hard, and do my best.... It just got too stressful, and eventualy I pretty much stopped caring...
meh im 15 and im not apathetic. I really couldnt care less about saving rainforests, the only time i ever went to one i got wet
Perhaps apathy is a result of the search for enlightenment ... a feeling of all the things you used to value not actually being things of value, or feeling unable to actually change the world how you wanted to when you were younger. As a younger teenager, I really tried to be as close to a knight as I could ... follow honour, be courageous, and things like that. I've always wanted to promote the Earth and stop people from doing damage to our planet, and things like that, and now that I'm 18 and really thinking hard about these things ... perhaps waiting to find that perfect "soulmate" was a bad idea ... perhaps there is no way to direct society onto a better path ... ideas like these plague my mind, and no doubt yours and others' minds as well.
sometimes our brains just need a break. and after a while, your hormones (i know you younguns hate this) will stop giving you such heavy emotions. teenagers are heavily emotion and many times irrational. it's not a hit or insult to you. passionate emotions have their place in our lives, but people who don't get over them eventually will just die sooner. i know it sounds romatic, but you don't do anyone much good dead. it IS a part of maturing physically. maturing spiritually is a totally different deal. as the emotional attachment to your ideals fades, more practical solutions become more apparent to you. you can commit toyour beliefs and ideals and not have a total breakdown at every hiccup. that's a good thing. you'll get over it.
Its part of realizing the rather small part we play in the grand scheme of things....you can not contribute to certain problems, but in reality we are like little ants, there really is only so much an individual can do....you can make a difference, but you won't be solving any of these massive problems on your own..... for instance, say you are very concerned with air pollution so you don't drive, the difference you are making is unnoticeably small considering all of the 18 wheeler trucks and factories pumping out black smoke 24 hours a day...you aren't contributing to the problem, but you also aren't solving it because you can't.
so once you let go of your emotional attachment to being right, you can actually start organizing your effort and realizing that, HEY! at least that's one more person doing something right.
Well, I've always subscribed to the concept of realpolitiks; that is, looking at things from a realistic view rather than an optimistic one. For example, I know that in supporting the legalization of marijuana, I'm still helping the cause, but that it's going to be darn near impossible to get it legalized, at least with the state of affairs today. I don't try to make a huge difference, I just try to not be part of the problem, and try to get other people to also not be part of the problem. Still, I continue to live a moral life and encourage others to do so. But it's tough ... especially whenever I see some big injustice done that I nor anyone else can reverse or even prevent in the future. =( I wouldn't call it an emotional attachment anymore, but more or less morals that guide my actions.
I think you're probably at a point in your life where you're questioning everything...hell, I'm 21 and I'm STILL questioning things... Sometimes we feel like everything we're doing isn't making a bit of difference, so why bother? We bother because caring is exponential...if you're trying to make a difference, you probably know two people who are trying, who probably know two people each who are also trying...you get the idea. You'll figure it all out. We all go through phases...maybe you'll never care again about anything. But what's the worst that could happen? Stay positive...that's all I have to say.
A lot of what you guys have said on here is true. The whole ant, what can one person do/how can one person make a difference. The thing is, is that I care that I am becoming apathetic. But I don't know if I care enough to do anything about it. Quite the conundrum huh?
if you give a shit that youre becoming apathetic, then you're not. your consciousness is just shifting. don't fear change.