No, coffee is good for you in even big amounts. It has tons of antioxidants and cuts your chances of diabetes and liver disease by like 50%. edit: Actually, caffeine by itself is not so good. But tea and coffee are good.
I'm so addicted that I keep caffeine pills in my purse so if I'm out in 100F weather and don't drink coffee, I don't go into withdrawals. Still, I think there is another ingredient in coffee that helps my head. I don't get the same feeling with energy drinks or pills. Maybe that's just the heat of the coffee my head craves.
I used to drink 20 oz. of coffee every day for energy at work. But I couldn't drink it right away because I can't stand drinking things so hot. On the job it would get knocked over, or thrown away because I wasn't allowed to have it in the building, etc. I almost busted some skulls over it a few times. Now I just slam a 16 oz. V8 juice in the morning before work and I'm good to go all day. Even a couple hours of overtime is no sweat.
Sometimes my coffee would be iced by the time I finished it, lol. I just sipped it all day. That's why I got mad when something happened to it. I don't miss those days. But you're right MB, some say coffee is good for you (lately)... Just not too much.
Do you mean for headaches? I gave up caffeine awhile ago, but I decided to start using it again sparingly. I think it's horrible most of the time, but when I work my really long weekends I tend to have tea with lunch to suppress my appetite. There are other times I'll drink it as a last resort when I have a really bad headache, or when I've gotten on an off sleeping schedule. I basically use it as a drug. I also tend to have some dark chocolate when I'm on my moon cycle. But when I consumed it on a regular basis it caused a lot of anxiety, sleeplessness, etc. I think I'm better without it. If I could take it down to just a couple pieces of chocolate during my cycle I'd be satisfied.
Well I just got my fix for today. Got a large Pepsi on my lunch break. Yesterday I didn't drink any caffeine and I was so irritable and had major headache. Coffee works better for me when I follow a paleo or keto diet. Idk why though
I am definitely addicted to caffeine. I get a pounding headache and feel sluggish around noon if I haven't had any, but that rarely happens. I almost always have 4 cups of coffee by noon but I do switch to water by lunch so I don't have any problems sleeping. coffee is really good for you so I'm not worried about my addiction. At least I gave up soda.
well, this does kind of explain all the poop thread you make. i wouldn't taper down unless you want some constipation.
I wouldn't say I am addicted to it, but I like my coffee and wouldn't want to go without it. I generally drink about 2-4 cups a day. Synthetic forms of caffeine is what I avoid.