I think I'm a sociopath.

Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Artemis Hart, Aug 19, 2012.

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  1. Artemis Hart

    Artemis Hart Guest

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    I don't feel emotions. I don't go on killing spree though. I have people that I care about, but by "care" I mean I won't let them be in pain, sad, etc. not "care" as in I love you, I would always support you bla bla bla.
  2. roamy

    roamy Senior Member

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    well thats a good thing art.because really loving someone would'nt be not letting them go, if thats what they wanted ta do.so that is not a negative thing, its a positive thing.not letting someone go would'nt be love.that would'nt even be real friendship.
  3. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    You aren't a sociopath. Possibly a drama-queen, but not a sociopath. You do care about people (want them to be well). You just associate that word with those melodramatic sort'f loving relationships you see on TV.
  4. BlondeSunshine

    BlondeSunshine Members

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    I like the sound of Drama Queen or melodramatic. [​IMG]
  5. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    Have you ever looked up "Aspberger's Syndrome" and checked the markers against yourself? Just a thought, as the two can seem remarkably similar to those unfamiliar with the difference between sociopaths and aspies.
    Psychopaths are born.
    Sociopaths are made.
    Both of the above are keenly aware of the feelings of others, but they just don't care.
    The Aspberger's patient cares about your feelings and well-being, but is blind to them. That is, he/she can't read them the way normal people can. If you struggle reading how someone feels or thinks, or with reading social situations/cues, you may wish to look into this. My former wife told me recently that I always sucked at reading others and social cues. She laughed hysterically when I told her that I was loosing my "filter" when speaking to others and told me that I never had one in the 30+ years we'd known each others. Life goes on.
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