I Think I messed with something i shouldn't have.

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by TatoGod97, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. TatoGod97

    TatoGod97 Members

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    So, bit of backstory my boyfriend and I have occasionally had fun dropping lsd every now and again to let loose and kind of reset. We were both pretty veteran and knew what ego death was because we had both been through some pretty muffed up trips that had us off our rocker with some weird ideals. But this was so much scarier.

    I have done research since but cannot find any other instance like it where people have experienced this and I fear I may have played with something I should have stayed far away from.

    We had only taken a full tab each, so not a very strong dose from a batch we had had for quite some time. We had tripped off the same batch for months so I know it wasn't something to do with dosage. But a few hours in after we peaked we were laying on the couch talking and I had been making some cool naruto hand gestures when suddenly I shaped my fingers into what looked like a gate. I showed my boyfriend and he was immediately lost in it. I giggled at the feeling it gave us as somehow we both crashed into eachother subconsciously and fused into one. Suddenly it was like a being that was so absolute and just completely terrifying seemed to tell us to turn and never remember what we had just witnessed. As fear and a looming sense that if we dove any further into this portal our very conciousness would be ripped apart.

    As soon as we came to this realization I broke the hand symbol we had both been staring at for what felt like hours, but was only seconds. A door slammed shut in our faces with a whisper of warning. "Do not ever return here. You will not get mercy again." All I could do was turn to my boyfriend and we both shared a look of panic. We had both seen this and felt it as one person with the same mind. I told him I loved him as I began to fear I had broken our sanity. The next 5 minutes were filled with panic as we both thought we had gone to the brink of death and back. It was the first time in my life that I feared for my being on a metaphysical level.

    We both scurried around as I proceeded to hyperventilate and panic. Something in our apartment was screaming "GET OUT. LEAVE. RID YOUR MEMORY OF THIS." As we debated going to the emergency room. At that point we didn't care, we just need out of that house. Once we were dressed and started to head down the road the voice returned as whispered to us both "I will let you return to your life if you overlook this. You will forever know how to find me, but never search for me again." And with that the looming fear and terror wracked our bodies so deeply to the core we gladly pleaded with this being to let us go. From there we couldn't even bring it up without weeping over the sheer and absolute TERROR its memory brought us.

    We then new nothing could help us. We had just tapped into something no one should know about. Even if we went to the hospital nothing could fix our psyche. Whatever it was it made sure to scare us straight by ripping apart who we thought we were and force feeding us the idea that we would never be the same again.

    We opted that the only thing we could do is go on with our lives, and we had to pick up a few items at walmart. So we walked around for a while, trying to gain some semblance of who we were as this dread filled us to the core. It washed over us in waves and we had to force ourselves to keep from seeing the "gateway", in fear of angering the being that had spoken to us, into taking our sense of sanity away.

    We did everything we could to stay out of our apartment, and even 2 hours later when we walked in something still hung in the air. The whole area was filled with this energy that clung to our souls and told us to leave. By then we had made peace and opted to never do lsd again, immediately flushing our stash and saying goodbye to anything psychedelic.

    After a while we talked about what had happened and we both remember feeling as though we were the same being fused as one, experiencing the whole thing beside eachother. Something we had never felt before. It felt completely otherworldly. But somewhere deep within us both knew that we saw something we were too ignorant to understand. And it was our ignorance alone that spared us from the wrath of this being, but we knew that if we did it again we would die.

    Something deep within me at my core was shaken by producing the "gateway" and I will never be the same.

    I search for others who have felt this too.
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah... Walmart on acid.

    Not highly recommended.
    Meliai likes this.
  3. TatoGod97

    TatoGod97 Members

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    Surprisingly enough it made us feel normal again. Because where else do you go where no one will judge you for being weird in public?
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Valid point...
  5. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I came here to say this too
    I cannot imagine wal mart while tripping. Sounds like my worst nightmare
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Nah,, tripping in the mall is pretty wild if you can manage it.. I guess walmart isnt a mall but tripping in the store never really bothered me. considering driving is manageable glowing on some psychedelics.
  7. How old are you and your boyfriend?
  8. TatoGod97

    TatoGod97 Members

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    I'm 23 and he is 24. We have been doing psychedelics for a few years. Not too many, but enough to know what's good/bad/interesting/off the wall.
  9. The same thing happens to me every day. You get used to it.
  10. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I went to Greengate Mall once that way.
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  11. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    you guys are down on the Walmart trip but I like that place! :) Lol..

    I haven't tripped on acid in forever! It has been such a long time.

    I wouldn't want to spend my whole peak there, but I can imagine a detour to Walmart. Everyone there has been friendly to me recently. I don't know if they would notice I was tripping, but that would ruin it if someone were like "what are you on".
  12. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    that sounds horrifying
  13. No it doesn't. You just laugh. Everything people say, you just laugh, and then they forget.
  14. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    coming to some realizations, are we? :) that's fucking magnificent! :D I can't emphasize it enough. The sheer importance of taking psychedelic drugs is … it's just really important!

    EVERYBODY MUST GET STONED! :dizzy::tearsofjoy:

  15. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Only once?
  16. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Yeah, not a good place to be tripping.
  17. Anavrin

    Anavrin Members

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    Demonic invasion

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