i think i intemidate people

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by FunkyPhreshMama, May 11, 2004.

  1. DarkLunacy

    DarkLunacy Senior Member

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    Wow you got me pinned. I dont go out and buy new clothes over tears untill they begin to show my bits and pieces. So before you comment on who I am and where my ideas of style are maybe you could, I dunno... Ask me. I dont buy new clothes every year, big deal. I dont think sitting around bitching about how other people not doing anything gets much done either... does it?
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well rejecting anything out of hand is accepting unquestioningly its negation, which is no better or worse then unquestioningly accepting it.

    looking exactly the way is most aestheticly pleasing to yourself personaly is making your own 'fassion statement'
    taste IS a totaly subjective matter. personaly i prefer lime green shirts with v-necks and nerd pockets full of notebooks and microfinetipped felt pens and things that look like pens but are actulay multi-meters and sonic screwdrivers, whith brown double knit bells, poney beads and a peace sign. i'm too alergic to my own hair to wear it as long as would look good to me, besides of which it's too curley to lay down and comes out looking like a fro when i do try to grow it out. not that there's anything wrong with that either, it's just that i get a rash from it. and i refuse to wear those damd overpriced athletic shoes. i've never been comfortable in any kind of tenny runners and for that reason have never bought any. hush puppies, cowflop stompers or barepawed for me.
    what i prefer i can't always get so i wear what i can that's the closest i can get to it.
    i do have a bunch of t's that i've hand painted from my own stencils myself. no slogans, just neat little doodles on pumpkin or lime colored shirts. i also tend to put the pictures on the front cause i'd rather see who'se staring at me then having my back stared at. not that i don't want people to look, i wouldn't have painted them if i didn't, i just like to see what they look like too. well usualy.
  3. angelgodiva

    angelgodiva Senior Member

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    I would have replied to this earlier, Robin, but to tell the truth, you are just too damned intimidating, and I was afraid...
  4. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    lol... but the attention is fun though...

    I really don't have that problem... mine lies in my family... it's odd that at 26 years old I'm still not taken seriously. It's tough having a conversation with someone who cuts you off and mocks everything you say.
  5. FreakyJoeMan

    FreakyJoeMan 100% Batshit Insane

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    Phunky, yer my new hero.

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